Events listed in France

L’ESMA publie son rapport final portant sur les modifications de la méthodologie ...

ID 26552
The AFG published it’s response to ESMA’s publication on 19 December 2023 of its Final Report on Guidelines on stress test scenarios under the MMF Regulation, following a prior ESMA consultation running until 28 April 2023. The proposed modifications aim to enhance the consideration of interactions between liquidity and redemption pressures, particularly in light of the stress events witnessed in March 2020. These modifications ...

Publication des rapports du FSB et de l’OICV sur la gestion de la liquidité des ...

ID 26533
Back in Septembr 2023, the AFG responded to corresponding consultations by the FSB and IOSCO on open-ended fund liquidity management, of which both organizations now published their respective final reports. These comprehensive reports reflect a concerted effort to address challenges related to liquidity management in open-end funds. **The FSB’s focus on harmonizing the use of anti-dilution tools is particularly noteworthy, aiming to enhance the ...
Asset Management
report / study

L’AMF publie la synthèse d’une troisième campagne de contrôles ...

ID 26467
The AMF has released a summary of its third thematic cybersecurity controls on asset management companies, emphasizing the significance of cyber risk in its risk mapping. The assessment is aligned with the impending implementation of DORA. The AMF focused on examining the cyber risk supervision mechanisms of five establishments in their relationships with key IT service providers and partners. Encouraging companies to strengthen their ...

Réponse AFG à la consultation de la Commission Européenne sur la révision du niveau ...

ID 26441
The AFG responded to the EC’s Targeted Consultation on SFDR Implementation. As a reminder, the EC launched a targeted consultation and a public consultation on 14 September 2023 to assess the implementation of the SFDR. The focus of the consultation was directed towards legal certainty, the usability of the regulation, and proposals for enhancing the existing framework. The Commission sought insights into the practical ...

Réponse AFG au Call for Evidence de l’ESMA sur un raccourcissement du cycle de ...

ID 26387
In response to ESMA‘ Call for Evidence regarding the potential reduction of the securities settlement cycle in the EU from T+2 to T+1, the AFG published a response and appreciates the opportunity to contribute to the discussion. The objective of this call is to gather insights from market participants and quantitative data to **evaluate the costs, benefits, and regulatory requirements associated with such a ...

Guide professionnel – Cybersécurité – Guide pratique DORA

ID 26203
The present guide provides a comprehensive overview of DORA and its implications for financial entities, particularly asset management companies. It outlines the key provisions of DORA, emphasizing the need for operational resilience in the digital domain and the obligations it imposes on financial entities and their digital service providers. **DORA aims to enhance the overall resilience of the financial sector by requiring entities to ...

Tokenisation de parts de fonds et gestion en actifs digitaux – Guide utilisateurs

ID 26098
The User Guide on Tokenization of fund parts and digital asset management provides a comprehensive overview of the professional guidelines for tokenizing fund shares and managing digital assets in the French financial market. It outlines the processes and best practices involved in transferring fund shares to a blockchain, as well as the regulatory framework for tokenization of financial instruments. The document emphasizes the importance ...

Loi relative à l’industrie verte – Synthèse AFG

ID 25631
The AFG published an interpretation of the Law No. 2023-973 of 23 October 2023, which the French Assembly adopted and published the following day. This law, called the Green Industry Law, aims to promote the financing of the energy transition through savings products. The law paves the way for the adaptation of French law to new ELTIFs and facilitates their integration into life insurance. ...

Prêts consentis par les FIA : l’AMF modifie sa doctrine concernant les ...

ID 25500
The AMF has amended its instruction DOC-2016-02 regarding the reporting requirements for loans originated by AIFs. These amendments come after the approval of changes to the AMF’s General Regulation. The context for these amendments lies in the fact that AIFs that comply with the ELTIF Regulation can be ELTIF-authorised and originate loans under this regulation. However, *non-ELTIF authorised AIFs can only* originate loans if ...

Révision du niveau 1 SFDR – propositions de l’AFG

ID 25487
The AFG commented on the consultation launched on 14 September 2023 by the EC regarding the Level 1 review of the SFDR, with a deadline set for 15 December 2023. As a reminder (see eventid=22926), the main focus of the consultation is on exploring the potential benefits and challenges of introducing a categorisation system for sustainability in financial products, with an emphasis on addressing ...
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