Events listed in Netherlands

Asset Management

ESG-risico’s hoog op de agenda van pensioenfondsbesturen, maar meer actie en ...

ID 26517
There’s an increasing urgency to manage ESG risks due to rapid climate change, biodiversity loss, and evolving societal norms. These pose financial risks affecting long-term investments, alongside highlighted social risks like reputational damage from ethical issues in supply chains. Therefore, the DNB has conducted a survey and on-site inspections regarding ESG risk management among 39 pension funds in April 2023. The urgency to manage ...

DNB handhaaft Contracyclische Kapitaalbuffer op 2 procent – december 2023

ID 26484
The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) published a news release stating to maintain the 2% countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) unchanged, as no substantial changes in the risk environment appeared. The CCyB aims to enhance banks‘ resilience during economic downturns and facilitate lending to support the real economy and applies to domestic exposures, with a reciprocity requirement for foreign banks with exposures in the Netherlands. On ...
Asset Management

TRANSITIENIEUWS – Gesprekken tussen DNB en pensioenfondsen bieden inzichten ...

ID 26483
DNB published a news article sharing information from a DNB seminar held for smaller pension funds, considering the outcome useful for other pension funds as well. More specifically, DNB conducted discussions to assess the governance risks during the transition to the new pension system. The focus was on identifying risks related to the roles and responsibilities of fund organs and key functions, as well ...
Asset Management
report / study

TRANSITIENIEUWS – Uitkomst onderzoeken over beheersing datakwaliteit bij ...

ID 26464
DNB publishes an artcle with the outcome of an investigation, conducted in 2023, into the management of data quality by Dutch pension funds before, during, and after the transition. Despite the funds claiming adherence to the Good Practice guidelines for data quality assurance, the study revealed that not all have implemented steps 1 to 3 of the Good Practice. Step 1: Some data quality ...
Asset Management

DNB publiceert voor het eerst haar Cyberstrategie

ID 26460
On 21 december 2023, DNB published for the first time its cyber strategy. DNB discusses its efforts in enhancing cyber resilience in the financial sector in the face of external developments. The increasing digitization, geopolitical tensions, and outsourcing of digital processes pose complex and dynamic risks, particularly in terms of cyber threats. The document outlines key cyber risks in 2023, such as **ransomware, attacks ...
Asset Management

Consultatie klimaatmaatregelen financiële sector

ID 26457
The Dutch Official Gazzette published a consultation regarding potential legal or alternative measures to strengthen the contribution of financial institutions to climate transition and weighs the desirability of national legislation in the context of evolving European regulations. The consultation discusses the relationship with existing and future European legislation, as the CSRD, SFDR, Taxonomy regulation and CSDDD. European regulations on sustainable financin ...

Update Q&A en Good Practice Informatiebeveiliging: de belangrijkste wijzigingen

ID 26393
DNB has released updated Q&A and Good Practice Information Security 2023 on Open Book Supervision. The Good Practice provides supervised institutions with current guidelines and control measures to comply with legal requirements, ensuring the continuous availability, integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity of automated data processing. The update is motivated by DNB’s findings in supervision investigations and the TIBER program, where they encountered effectiv ...

Grondige herziening SFDR-regels nodig

ID 26378
The Dutch Federation of Pension Funds responds to the targeted SFDR consulation (please note Event ID#22926) in a position paper for a fundamental review of the SFDR to better align with pension funds‘ objectives. The federation supports the SFDR’s transparency goals and the transition to a sustainable economy. They highlight the sector’s strong focus on sustainability, with a majority of participants enrolled in compliant ...

TRANSITIENIEUWS – Aandachtspunten bij de risicohouding en het contract

ID 26357
DNB has published news for pension providers regarding the risk attitude and contracts during the WTP Transition. Based on a data survey that was conducted last October on this subject to pension administrators (please see eventID#23501), the note contains points of attention on how the risk attitude should be determined and tested and how the balance should be proven under the rules of the ...
Asset Management

Beoordeling prudentieel toezicht VK voor toepassing art. 130(f) en 134(2) Bgfo

ID 26300
At the end of 2021, DNB determined that the prudential banking supervision in the United Kingdom provides sufficient safeguards for the interests intended to be protected by the law, as outlined in the Financial Supervision Decree for Financial Enterprises (Bgfo). Specifically, DNB found that the prudential banking supervision in the UK ensures adequate protection for the interests outlined in Articles 130(f) and 134(2) of ...
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