Events listed in Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD)

Circulaire CSSF-CPDI 23/39

ID 26572
Circular CSSF-CPDI 23/39, serves the purpose of conducting a routine survey on deposits, with a specific focus on covered deposits. The survey is relevant to credit institutions incorporated under Luxembourg law, POST Luxembourg providing postal financial services, and Luxembourg branches of credit institutions based in third countries as of 31 December 2023. The data collected will facilitate the CPDI in determining contributions outlined in ...

The CSSF’s approach to the execution of the write-down and conversion of capital ...

ID 26233
The document titled „The CSSFs approach to the execution of the write-down and conversion of capital instruments and bail-inable liabilities in resolution“ outlines the approach of the CSSF as the Luxembourg resolution authority (RA) to the operational steps necessary to execute the write-down and conversion of relevant capital instruments or the use of the bail-in tool. It is published in compliance with the Guidelines ...

NAB-Abwicklungsplanung – Informationsblatt zum MVP-Fachverfahren

ID 26223
Die BaFin veröffentlicht eine aktualisierte Version (4.1) ihres Informationsblatts zum Fachverfahren „NAB-Abwicklungsplanung“. Dieses Informationsblatt richtet sich an CRR-Kreditinstitute / -unternehmen, die gemäß den Anforderungen der BRRD einen Abwicklungsplan erstellen müssen. Das Informationsblatt gibt einen Überblick über die Funktionen und Anforderungen des Fachverfahrens und erläutert die verschiedenen Phasen der Abwicklungsplanung, von der Identifizierung ...

Leitlinien zur Gesamtsanierungskapazität: BaFin erwartet Anwendung durch Institute

ID 26159
Die BaFin hat angekündigt, ab dem 11. Januar 2024 die EBA-Leitlinien (EBA/GL/2023/06) zur Gesamtsanierungskapazität (ORC) (eventid=22330) anzuwenden. Die BaFin erwartet von den Finanzinstituten, dass sie diese Leitlinien in ihre Sanierungspläne integrieren und die Anforderungen vollständig umsetzen. Die Leitlinien zielen darauf ab, ein harmonisiertes Rahmenwerk für die Bewertung und Feststellung der ORC in den Sanierungsplänen der Institute zu schaffen. Die ORC ist ein Maß da ...

Circulaire CSSF-CODERES 23/18

ID 26019
Circular CSSF-CODERES 23/18 informs about the application of three guidelines of the EBA, notably the Resolvability Guidelines (EBA/GL/2022/01), Transferability Guidelines (EBA/GL/2022/11), and Resolvability Testing Guidelines (EBA/GL/2023/05). The circular outlines the purpose of integrating these guidelines into the CSSF’s administrative practice and regulatory approach to promote convergence in the field of resolution at the European level. It emphasizes the importan ...
Asset Management

Orientamenti che modificanogli orientamentiEBA/GL/2022/01 destinatiagli enti e alle ...

ID 25335
With Note No. 36 dated 13 October 2023, the Bank of Italy has implemented the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) guidelines (EBA/GL/2023/05) to modify previous EBA/GL/2022/01 guidelines aimed at improving resolution possibilities for entities and resolution authorities, please also note EventID# 21692. This implementation introduces a new section concerning resolution tests. These guidelines for enhancing resolution possibilities are issued in accordance with Articles 1 ...
Asset Management
report / study

The EBA publishes its first Report on the implementation of the European Resolution ...

ID 24545
EBA issued a first report aimed at fostering convergence in resolution practices across the EU. This report assessed the progress made by RAs in incorporating key topics from the EBA’s 2022 EREP into their priorities and activities during the year 2022. The report’s primary focus centered on three key priorities: Monitoring MREL, developing MIS for valuation, and addressing liquidity needs in resolution. MREL monitoring ...

The EBA publishes final guidance on the overall recovery capacity in recovery ...

ID 24275
EBA released its final Guidelines on ORC in recovery planning. These Guidelines establish a consistent framework for financial institutions to determine their ORC within their recovery plans and for competent authorities to assess it. The ORC reflects an institution’s ability to restore its financial position after a significant deterioration by implementing suitable recovery options. The Guidelines consist of two sections: – Section *directed at ...

EBA published its final resolvability testing Guidelines

ID 23691
EBA published the Guidelines amending Guidelines EBA/GL/2022/01 on improving resolvability for institutions and resolution authorities under articles 15 and 16 of Directive 2014/59/EU (Resolvability Guidelines) to introduce a new section on resolvability testing. These guidelines aim to establish a framework to ensure that resolvability capabilities developed by banks comply with the guidelines and are effectively maintained. The guidelines require institutions to submit a ** ...
Asset Management
conference / webinar

Seminaria „Ryzyko i regulacje w sektorze bankowym”

ID 23229
On May 12, 2023, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, KNF, published a press release to inform of several upcoming seminars about „Risk and regulations in the banking [and the insurance] sector“ in May 2023. ##### The first event will take place on May 16, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. and will cover the following two key issues: **(1) New forms of refinancing housing loans: How ...
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