Events listed in Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (4AMLD)

Guidelines on policies and controls for the effective management of ML/TF risks ...

ID 25139
EBA has translated the Guidelines on policies and controls for the effective management of ML/TF risks when providing access to financial services into the official EU languages and published them on the EBA website. To recall, the guidelines (EBA/GL/2023/04) provide guidance on effective management of ML/TF risks by financial institutions when providing access to financial services. These guidelines clarify the interaction between access to ...

Lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme : ...

ID 24447
On 22 November 2022, EBA issued guidelines outlining the procedures for credit and financial institutions to follow in order to comply with their due diligence obligations for remote customer onboarding under AML/CFT legislation. These guidelines (EBA/GL/2022/15) encompass steps for institutions when relying on third-party services and the establishment of CDD procedures for remote CDD measures. The **effective date for these guidelines is set for ...
Asset Management
report / study

EBA finds that money laundering and terrorist financing risks in payments ...

ID 23750
EBA published a report on ML/TF risks associated with EU payment institutions. The report indicates that these risks may not be effectively assessed and managed by the institutions and their supervisors. The EBA conducted an assessment in 2022 to determine the scale and nature of ML/TF risks in the payment institutions sector. It examined how these institutions identify and manage such risks and how ...
Asset Management

EBA consults on amendments to the Guidelines on money laundering and terrorist ...

ID 23479
EBA started a consultation on proposed amendments to its Guidelines on ML/TF risk factors. The suggested changes aim to expand the scope of these Guidelines to include CASPs. The consultation period will last until 31 August 2023. CASPs, as well as other credit and financial institutions, face ML/TF risks. However, **CASPs are particularly exposed to increased risks due to factors such as the use ...

Circulaire CSSF-CPDI 23/35

ID 23366
Circular CSSF-CPDI 23/35 amends Circular CSSF-CPDI 16/02 regarding the scope of the deposit guarantee and the investor compensation. The objective of this present circular is to incorporate the provisions of Article 62 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2033, which amends Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, affecting the definition of financial institutions. Financial institutions that fall under this definition are **excluded from the scope of the deposit guarantee ...

Periodic questionnaire on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing

ID 22953
The FSMA published Circular FSMA_2023_09, informing entities subject to the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT) about the content and methods of transmitting information to assess the compliance and effectiveness of their AML/CFT measures. This circular provides detailed information on the FSMA’s approach to AML/CFT control, the questionnaire that entities subject to this control must complete, and the methods of transmitting this ...

EBA issues Guidelines to challenge unwarranted de-risking and safeguard access to ...

ID 22608
The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published new guidelines aimed at ensuring customers have access to financial services necessary for their full participation in society. The guidelines aim to prevent customers from being denied access to financial services without valid reasons, particularly in cases where access to these services is critical, such as for the most vulnerable, including refugees and homeless people. The guidelines ...

5 Q&As on CRR and AMLD: Credit Risk, Customer Due Diligence, Model validation ...

ID 22329
The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published the following 5 new Q&As as regards issues relating to the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) & Anti Money Laundering Directive (AMLD): + 2021_5818 – Central Contact Points (AML/CFT) – Establishment and appointment of a CCP Do the agents and distributors who are operating in a Member State (MS) or other MSs under the right of establishment based ...

Lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme : ...

ID 21975
On 22 February 2023, the AMF issued a press release, informing about the publication of its Position DOC-2023-01 entitled „EBA guidelines on policies and procedures in relation to compliance management and the role and responsibilities of the AML/CFT compliance officer“ with reference to the corresponding EBA Guidelines EBA/GL/2022/05 in the context of the 4AMLD, aiming to incorporate the EBA Guidelines on policies and procedures ...
Asset Management
report / study

Blanchiment de capitaux et financement du terrorisme : actualisation de l’Analyse ...

ID 21951
On 20 February 2023, the AMF issued a press release, informing about the adoption by the COLB of an updated version of the NRA on ML/TF, which takes into account the recommendations of the FATF and which has benefited from the contributions of professionals from all sectors engaged in AML/CFT, aiming to nationally identify the threats, vulnerabilities and the resulting level of risk in ...
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