Events listed in International Accounting Standards (IAS)

ESRB response on the request for information for post-implementation Review of IFRS ...

ID 25124
The European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) has published its response to the Post-implementation Review IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Impairment in which it highlights several issues related to the Expected Credit Loss (ECL) approach in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 9 that merit attention from a financial stability perspective. According to the ESRB, the introduction of the ECL approach in IFRS 9 represented a ...

DK-Stellungnahme zum „Post-implementation Review IFRS 9 Financial Instruments ...

ID 25065
Die DK hat ihre Stellungnahme zum „Post-implementation Review IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Impairment“ veröffentlicht. Darin begrüßt sie den Ansatz und betont, dass die Einführung der Wertminderungsregeln des IFRS 9 für Banken einen erheblichen Aufwand bedeutet hat. Für viele war die Implementierung von IFRS 9 das größte Projekt der letzten Jahre. Die prinzipienbasierten IFRS 9-Regeln haben sich in der Praxis als robust erwiesen. Das ECL-Modell ...
Asset Management

Stellungnahme zur Klassifizierung und Bewertung von Finanzinstrumenten

ID 24995
Die DK hat in einer Stellungnahme das Vorhaben des IASB begrüßt, die Bedenken im Rahmen des Post-Implementation-Reviews (PIR) zu berücksichtigen. Besonders im Kontext der ESG-Thematik betont die DK die Bedeutung eines prinzipienbasierten Ansatzes in IFRS 9, ohne spezifische Einzelfallregelungen. Die DK gibt zu bedenken, dass die vorgeschlagenen Offenlegungspflichten übermäßig ausgedehnt sind, was zu einer Überlastung des Anhangs und Informationsüberflutung führt. Daher appell ...

Letter to IASB on the Exposure Draft Amendments to the Classification and ...

ID 24248
ESMA responded to the IASB regarding the Exposure Draft ED/2023/2, which concerns Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments. ESMA expressed its support for certain proposals and provided suggestions for further clarity and improvements: – ESMA supported the IASB’s proposal to allow an entity to derecognize a financial liability settled using an electronic payment system before the settlement date if specific criteria ...

Letter to EFRAG on the IASB’s Exposure Draft Amendments to the Classification and ...

ID 24244
ESMA responds to the EFRAG regarding the Exposure Draft ED/2023/2, which proposes Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments. ESMA supports certain proposals while suggesting improvements and seeking further clarifications in other areas: – Derecognition of financial liability settled through electronic transfer: ESMA agrees with permitting derecognition before the settlement date under specified criteria but requests better clarity on the ...

IOSCO calls for inputs on Goodwill

ID 23817
IOSCO has published a Consultation on Goodwill, seeking input from market participants on addressing the risk of unrecognized impairment and related disclosures concerning accumulated goodwill balances resulting from business combinations. Indeed, the accumulated goodwill balance of the S&P 500 has more than doubled since 2008, reaching USD 3.7 trillion in 2021. Similarly, the European Union witnessed a nearly 50% increase in reported goodwill from ...

EFRAG’s Final Comment Letter on the IASB’s ED International Tax Reform – Pillar Two ...

ID 22260
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has published its response letter to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) regarding the Exposure Draft ED/2023/1 International Tax Reforms – Pillar Two Model Rules. EFRAG supports the IASB’s proposal to provide a mandatory temporary exception for the requirements in IAS 12 Income Taxes, under which entities should neither recognise nor disclose information about deferred tax assets ...

IASB ED on IAS 12 – Pillar Two Model Rules

ID 22208
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has welcomed the International Accounting Standards Board’s (IASB) proposal to introduce a temporary exception from accounting for deferred taxes arising from the implementation of Pillar Two model rules, which aim to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. EFAMA has also supported the Exposure Draft ED/2023/1 to ensure a global minimum level ...
Asset Management

Vorgeschlagene Änderungen zu IAS 12 im Rahmen der Einführung der globalen ...

ID 22057
Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft (DK) veröffentlicht eine Stellungnahme zum Exposure Draft International Tax Reform – Pillar Two Model (Exposure Draft ED/2023/1) und begrüßt den vom IASB vorgeschlagenen Ansatz, latente Steuern aus der OECD-Mindestbesteuerung zunächst nicht zu bilanzieren, sondern im Anhang offenzulegen, hält jedoch die Offenlegungsvorschriften für zu komplex und detailliert. In ihrer Stellungnahme äußert sich der Verband zu folgenden Punkten: **(1) Tempora ...

[ESMA32-61-505 ] Letter to IASB on Exposure Draft International Tax Reform – Pillar ...

ID 22033
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) welcomes the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)’s initiative to introduce a temporary exception to the accounting for deferred taxes arising from the implementation of the Pillar Two model rules, and supports the Exposure Draft ED/2023/1 to make the temporary exception mandatory rather than optional. However, ESMA considers the proposed exception to be a departure from the __fundamental ...
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