Events listed in Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA)

ESMA assesses market developments in DeFi and explores the smart contracts system

ID 25295
ESMA has recently released two articles in its TRV analysis, addressing the ever-evolving world of DeFi. These articles provide important insights into the challenges and risks associated with DeFi and smart contracts in the EU market. ESMA acknowledges the need for vigilant monitoring of these developments to safeguard investor protection and financial stability. In the first article, ESMA explores the **developments and risks of ...

[ESMA24-229244789-4580 ] SMSG Advice on the Consultation Paper on Technical ...

ID 25283
The SMSG has provided advice to ESMA regarding its Consultation Paper on Technical Standards for MiCA. The SMSG emphasizes the need for a balanced approach in regulating the crypto asset sector, considering both investor protection and fostering innovation. The SMSG believes that entities operating in the crypto space should be subjected to the same level of regulation and oversight as traditional financial intermediaries. This ...

„Wir entwickeln unsere Verwaltungspraxis kontinuierlich weiter“

ID 25261
In einem Fachartikel zum Thema „BaFin zu DeFi-Regulierung – Wir entwickeln unsere Verwaltungspraxis kontinuierlich weiter“ äußert sich Birgit Rodolphe, Exekutivdirektorin für Abwicklung und Geldwäscheprävention bei der BaFin, zu den Herausforderungen und Ansätzen der BaFin bei der Regulierung von dezentralen Finanzdienstleistungen (DeFi). Rodolphe stellt klar, dass die Annahme, DeFi-Angebote benötigten keine Erlaubnis der Finanzaufsichtsbehörden, irreführend sei. ...

EBA encourages timely preparatory steps towards the application of MiCAR to ...

ID 24201
EBA issued a statement addressing financial institutions and other entities engaged in ART or EMT activities before 30 June 2024, the application date for the relevant provisions of the MiCAR. The statement aims to encourage preparatory actions towards MiCAR application, reduce risks of disruptive business adjustments, promote supervisory convergence, and protect consumers. The guiding principles in the statement include: – Disclosures and Fair Treatment: ...
Asset Management

EBA consults on draft technical standards on EU market access of issuers of ...

ID 24197
EBA has published a consultation paper on draft technical standards related to the issuance and market access of ARTs under MiCAR. These standards aim to ensure the proper regulation of ARTs and promote a standardized approach across the EU. The consultation paper introduces two sets of draft RTS and one set of ITS: The first set of RTS focuses on the information requirements for ...

ESMA seeks first input on detailed rules for crypto markets

ID 24182
ESMA has taken a significant step in regulating the crypto markets by publishing its first consultation package under the MiCA. MiCA is a comprehensive framework aimed at overseeing and supervising cryptoasset-related activities within the EU. In this initial consultation, ESMA seeks feedback from stakeholders on proposed rules for CASPs to ensure that the rapidly evolving crypto market operates under robust regulatory standards. The consultation ...
Asset Management

L’AMF publie un papier de discussion sur la finance décentralisée (DeFi)

ID 23774
The AMF has published a discussion paper on DeFi, exploring its disruptive impact on the digital economy. DeFi offers an alternative to traditional financial services by leveraging blockchain technology and automated, decentralised operations. The paper emphasizes the use of distributed ledger technology, emerging governance mechanisms, and the replacement of centralized institutions with automated software. While DeFi presents opportunities for technological innovation, it a ...
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