Events listed in [AMF] Autorité des marchés financiers

Asset Management
report / study

L’AMF publie la synthèse d’une troisième campagne de contrôles ...

ID 26467
The AMF has released a summary of its third thematic cybersecurity controls on asset management companies, emphasizing the significance of cyber risk in its risk mapping. The assessment is aligned with the impending implementation of DORA. The AMF focused on examining the cyber risk supervision mechanisms of five establishments in their relationships with key IT service providers and partners. Encouraging companies to strengthen their ...
Asset Management

Prêts consentis par les FIA : l’AMF modifie sa doctrine concernant les ...

ID 25500
The AMF has amended its instruction DOC-2016-02 regarding the reporting requirements for loans originated by AIFs. These amendments come after the approval of changes to the AMF’s General Regulation. The context for these amendments lies in the fact that AIFs that comply with the ELTIF Regulation can be ELTIF-authorised and originate loans under this regulation. However, *non-ELTIF authorised AIFs can only* originate loans if ...
Asset Management

Gouvernance des produits – directive MIF 2 : l’AMF applique les ...

ID 25141
The AMF has recently updated its Position DOC-2018-04 to align with the revised guidelines issued by ESMA concerning product governance requirements and also to extend the applicability of these guidelines to FIAs. The background to these changes stems from ESMA’s initiative in early 2022 to update its guidelines on product governance requirements, driven by evolving regulations that necessitate the consideration of sustainability related objectives ...
Asset Management
conference / webinar

L’AMF et l’ACPR organisent la quatrième édition du Forum Fintech le ...

ID 24913
The AMF and the ACPR are jointly organizing the fourth edition of the Fintech Forum on Monday as part of the French Fintech Week. This forum serves as a platform for stakeholders in the innovative finance ecosystem to discuss the significant regulatory challenges facing the sector. The Forum Fintech, initiated by the AMF and the ACPR in 2016, is a forum for monitoring, dialogue, ...
Asset Management

L’AMF et l’ARPP lancent le certificat de l’influence responsable dans la finance

ID 24868
The AMF and the ARPP have introduced the „Responsible Influence Certificate in Finance“ to professionalize commercial influence in the financial sector, aligning with newly enacted regulations. The collaboration between AMF and ARPP, initiated in 2011, culminated in the launch of a specialized module for the „Responsible Influence Certificate“ in July 2022. This certificate, initially introduced by ARPP in 2021, has already been awarded to ...
Asset Management

L’AMF met à jour sa doctrine concernant les informations à fournir par les ...

ID 24535
The AMF has recently made significant updates to its Position-Recommendation DOC-2020-03, which outlines the disclosure requirements for collective investment schemes incorporating non-financial approaches. These changes expand the policy’s scope to encompass both French and foreign ELTIFs that are marketed to retail investors in France. Previously, DOC-2020-03 focused on non-financial information disclosures by French collective investment schemes and foreign UCITS mar ...
Asset Management

Gouvernement d’entreprise et rémunérations des dirigeants : l’AMF met à ...

ID 24472
The AMF has updated its doctrine concerning corporate governance and executive compensation, with the aim of providing better support for issuers. Two key modifications have been made to the corporate governance doctrine: ##### DOC-2012-02: Corporate Governance Recommendation Restructuring The AMF has undertaken a significant update to its doctrine on corporate governance and executive compensation, aiming to provide more effective guidance for issuers. The **key ...
Asset Management

Mise à jour du guide prospectus : informations sur la faculté de raccourcissement ...

ID 24450
The AMF has revised its doctrine DOC-2020-06 concerning information disclosure for public offerings or admission to regulated markets. This update has been consolidated into a new guide containing positions and recommendations from both AMF and ESMA. The guide serves to comprehensively present the new prospectus regulations and is divided into three parts: 1. The first part outlines the information to be included in prospectuses ...
Asset Management

Lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme : ...

ID 24447
On 22 November 2022, EBA issued guidelines outlining the procedures for credit and financial institutions to follow in order to comply with their due diligence obligations for remote customer onboarding under AML/CFT legislation. These guidelines (EBA/GL/2022/15) encompass steps for institutions when relying on third-party services and the establishment of CDD procedures for remote CDD measures. The **effective date for these guidelines is set for ...
Asset Management

ESEF : Faculté de dépôt des rapports financiers semestriels au format ESEF

ID 24444
Starting from 28 July 2023, issuers are provided with the option to submit their SFRs, registration document acting as SFR, or SFR amendment in the ESEF. This format encompasses XHTML with XBRL tags for consolidated accounts under IFRS, or XHTML format for other cases. The guidelines for regulated information submission (DOC-2007-03) and those for prospectus and universal registration document submission (DOC-2019-21) **have been revised ...
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