Events listed in [CNPD] National Data Protection Commission Luxembourg

CNPD contribue à l’organisation du séminaire de l’UIA

ID 24689
The CNPD is actively involved in supporting the UIA in the organization of a seminar titled „Challenges for the law of obligations, artificial intelligence, fintech, data protection, and new legislation on digital services.“ Various prestigious institutions, including Bonn & Schmitt, the Bars of Strasbourg, the Institut de Droit Européen des Barreaux – I.D.E.B, the European Commission, the **Court of Justice of the European Union, ...

La CNPD intervient à la Tech Supreme Court : Edition IA

ID 24688
Maxime Dufour, an agent at the CNPD, is set to participate in the upcoming Tech Supreme Court, scheduled for 19 October 2023 at 3pm. The event is organized by Techsense and will take place at the Hemicycle in Luxembourg. This event will adopt a mock trial format, featuring charges brought by a public prosecutor and a court consisting of three judges emeritus, along with ...

Dossier thématique sur l’intelligence artificielle

ID 24605
The CNPD has released a thematic dossier on AI. The dossier includes 4 articles which offer general insights into this emerging technology, its potential impact on data protection, and the associated legal obligations. We would like top present brief summaries of the respective key takeaways of each article below: — Artificial Intelligence Overview AI is a transformative technology integrated into various aspects of daily ...

La CNPD interviendra à la conférence RAID

ID 24382
The RAID conference (standing for Regulation of AI, Internet & Data) will take place on 26th September 2023 in Brussels, with the participation of CNPD. The event aims to address the delicate balance between technology regulation and innovation in the context of increased globalization, expanding jurisdiction, and rapid technological progress. **The conference will bring together legislators, regulators, and policy experts to discuss regulatory frameworks, ...
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