Events listed in [DWP] Department for Work & Pensions

Changes to data protection laws to unlock post-Brexit opportunity

ID 25907
Various UK government agencies recently published a statement in which they announce targeted amendments to the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill. The bill contains provisions to adjust the UK data protection rules and regulations to the needs of the UK following Brexit with the aim of simplification and moderation. While most provisions of the bill and modifications thereto are irrelevant for financial market ...

Pensions and insurance tracing and Bulk Letter Forwarding service

ID 25693
The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) has published revised forms in relation to its so-called „Bulk Letter Forwarding service“ for insurance companies and pension scheme providers seeking to get in touch with scheme participants or clients that cannot be contacted otherwise. Specifically, the „Forwarding Service“ is a service offered by the DWP to trace affected individuals and forward a corresponding general note letter ...

Pensions and insurance tracing and Bulk Letter Forwarding service

ID 25191
The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) has published a revised version of its Bulk Letter Forwarding service: guidance which is addressed at insurance companies and pension scheme providers seeking to get in touch with scheme participants or clients that cannot be contacted otherwise. The „Forwarding Service“ is a service offered by the DWP to trace affected individuals and forward a corresponding general note ...

Pensions Dashboards: guidance on deferred connection

ID 24607
The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has published an updated version of its Pensions Dashboards: guidance on deferred connection. The guide relates to the new upcoming requirements of pension fund schemes to connect to the pension dashboard „network“ and a possible deferral of such deadline for individual schemes with the approval of the DWP. Specifically, the guidance outlines – the steps pension scheme ...

Defined benefit pension scheme consolidation

ID 24318
In 2018, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) launched a consultation on a proposed regulatory framework for pension superfunds. Such funds would consolidate smaller defined benefit (DB) pension schemes under the roof of one superfund bringing about economies of scale, better investment opportunities, and safer and better outcomes to savers and the UK economy as a whole, respectively. Concurrently, superfunds could serve as ...

Value for Money: A framework on metrics, standards, and disclosures

ID 24313
Following a joint consultation by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) in January 2023 on a proposed new framework for the assessment of Value For Money (VFM) across defined contribution pension schemes (DCPS), the three regulators have now published a corresponding response paper. In it, the regulators summarize the key feedback they have ...

Options for Defined Benefit schemes: a call for evidence

ID 24311
The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched a new Call for Evidence in connection with defined benefits occupational pension schemes (DBPS). Specifically, the DWP seeks to gather information on – the asset allocation strategies of DBPS, – the motivation behind such allocation, – current barriers to producing (additional) surplus in the schemes, and – possible ways to get defined benefits (DB) schemes ...

Helping savers understand their pension choices: supporting individuals at the ...

ID 24307
In view of the changing landscape of pension plans, moving away from defined benefits to defined contribution plans, and in view of the „pension freedoms“ introduced in 2015 by the Pension Schemes Act 2015, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) launched a Call for Evidence in June 2022 in which it sought feedback from pension trustees, fund managers, scheme members, and associations as ...

Extending opportunities for collective defined contribution pension schemes

ID 24299
On July 21, 2023, the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) published a response paper in relation to its consultation which was launched in January 2023 to (a) expand the opportunities of collective defined contribution (CDC) pension schemes to cover multiple employer schemes, where multiple employers join together to create a single pension fund to share administrative costs and gain bargaining powers; and (b) ...

Addressing the challenge of deferred small pots

ID 24145
Following a Call for Evidence in February 2023 in which the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) sought views on various options to consolidate small pension pots, it has now published a corresponding response paper. Therein, *the DWP summarizes the feedback it has received to its initial Call for Evidence* and launches a new consultation to explore a final regulatory framework to deal with ...
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