Events listed in [FATF] Financial Action Task Force

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report / study

Germany’s progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and ...

ID 26129
The present „Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures Germany, 1st Enhanced Follow-up Report“ provides an assessment of Germany’s progress in addressing technical compliance deficiencies identified in its MER by the FATF. The report was adopted by the FATF Plenary in November 2023. **The purpose of the report is to analyze Germany’s progress in improving technical compliance and to re-rate the country on specific FATF ...
Asset Management

The FATF Recommendations

ID 25843
The FATF has released a revised version of its Recommendations, which provide a comprehensive framework for countries to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing of weapons of mass destruction. The FATF Recommendations are recognized as the international standard for combating these ML/TF/PF threats, and countries are expected to implement them through measures adapted to their particular circumstances. These **FATF Standards, which comprise . ...
Asset Management
report / study

Illicit Financial Flows from Cyber-enabled Fraud

ID 25725
The present FATF report on Illicit Financial Flows from Cyber-Enabled Fraud focuses on the escalating issue of CEF as a burgeoning transnational organized crime. CEF criminal syndicates exhibit intricate structures, with distinct sub-groups possessing specialized criminal expertise, notably in money laundering. These sub-groups may operate in a decentralized manner across different jurisdictions, posing challenges to investigating CEF activities. Additionally, CEF syndicates ...
Asset Management
report / study

Consolidated assessment ratings & Cambodia’s, Thailand’s, ...

ID 25724
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with Cambodia’s, Thailand’s, Mongolia’s and Myanmar’s progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with the FATF Recommendations, using the FATF Methodology together wit ...
Asset Management
report / study

Crowdfunding for Terrorism Financing

ID 25595
The present FATF report von Crowdfunding for Terrorism Financing addresses the significant and evolving international market of crowdfunding, emphasizing its susceptibility to exploitation by terrorist actors. The FATF conducted its first comprehensive international study on TF linked to crowdfunding, drawing on experiences from the FATF Global Network, industry experts, academia, and civil society. The definition of crowdfunding in this project encompasses formal crowdfundin ...
Asset Management

Public Consultation – FATF Risk-Based Guidance on Recommendation 25

ID 25579
The FATF has adopted amendments to Recommendation 25 on Transparency and beneficial ownership of legal arrangements. As a result, the FATF has begun updating its guidance on Recommendation 25 in order to support the implementation of these new requirements. As a reminder, the FATF Risk-Based Guidance on Recommendation 25 focuses on three key areas: Firstly, it recognizes that express trusts and similar legal arrangements ...
Asset Management

High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action & Jurisdictions under ...

ID 25546
The FATF has updated – yet not changed – the list of High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action due to their deficiencies in countering money laundering, terrorist financing, and financing of proliferation, the so-called „black list“. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the FATF review process for Iran and DPRK was paused, as these countries are already subject to the FATF’s call for ...
Asset Management
report / study

Consolidated assessment ratings – Finland’s, Japan’s and ...

ID 25474
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with Finland’s, Japan’s and Switzerland’s progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with the FATF Recommendations, using the FATF Methodology together with the FATF 4th Rou ...
Asset Management
report / study

Consolidated assessment ratings & Luxembourg’s measures to combat money ...

ID 25100
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with the publication of the Mutual Evaluation Report of Luxembourg on progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with the FATF Recommendations, using the FATF Methodology together with ...
Asset Management
report / study

Consolidated assessment ratings | Mutual Evaluations of Benin, Buthan, Burkina ...

ID 24577
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with the publications of Mutual Evaluation Reports of Benin, Buthan, Burkina Faso, Brunei, Côte d’Ivoire, Laos & Liberia on progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an **up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with the ...
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