Events listed in [FDPF] Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds

Grondige herziening SFDR-regels nodig

ID 26378
The Dutch Federation of Pension Funds responds to the targeted SFDR consulation (please note Event ID#22926) in a position paper for a fundamental review of the SFDR to better align with pension funds‘ objectives. The federation supports the SFDR’s transparency goals and the transition to a sustainable economy. They highlight the sector’s strong focus on sustainability, with a majority of participants enrolled in compliant ...

Eerste stap voor delen pensioendata via Afsprakenstelsel Pensioenservices

ID 26190
The Dutch Pension Federation published an article for sharing pension data through Appointment System Pension Services. Pension data for participants is becoming more dispersed in the pension sector. To meet participants‘ expectations of comprehensive digital services, collaboration in sharing pension data is crucial. Recently, the Dutch Pension funds APG, Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn (PFZW), PGB, PGGM, Pensioenfonds Metaal en Techniek (PMT), and the Pension ...

Code Pensioenfondsen weer actueel

ID 25884
The Pension Federation and the Labor Foundation have revised the Pension Fund Code, which will come into effect on 1 January 2024, with pension funds expected to implement the norms by 31 December 2024, and report on their actions in the 2024 annual report. Pension funds, being financial institutions with a social purpose related to pension benefits, are expected to balance financial considerations with ...

Private equity: pensioenfondsen ondernemen acties

ID 25742
The high performance fees paid to private equity firms have raised concerns and sparked discussions. In response, the Pension Federation sent a letter detailing these actions to the acting Minister Schouten of Poverty Policy, Participation, and Pensions. The actions focus on **transparency regarding the investment category and cost structure, communication with participants and society, and dialogue with stakeholders and foreign institutional investors regarding the ...

Pensioenfondsen, verzekeraars, banken: geef financiële sector rol in de CSDDD

ID 25640
Dutch pension funds, insurers, and banks are urging in a letter the inclusion of the financial sector in the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), a proposal requiring companies to conduct sustainability due diligence to prevent human rights violations and environmental damage in their value chains. The Dutch financial sector argues that companies, including financial institutions, can **play a crucial role in addressing such ...

Delen van pensioendata: sluit aan bij bestaande initiatieven

ID 25086
The Dutch Federation of Pension Funds supports in its Position Paper the European Commission’s proposal for the Financial Data Access Regulation (FiDA), recognizing the importance of pension data in an individual’s financial situation. They appreciate the stakeholder-led approach to financial data sharing and argue that it should be tailored to the pension sector’s specific needs while promoting unified data sharing at the sub-sector level. ...

Standpunt Pensioenfederatie: duidelijkheid nodig over werkingssfeer ...

ID 24916
The Dutch Pension Federation has published a letter to the outgoing Minister of Finance regarding the implementation of Directive (EU) 2022/2464 on sustainability reporting by companies. The CSRD is intended to establish a comprehensive sustainability reporting system, connecting information flows between the real economy (under the CSRD) and the financial sector (under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation or SFDR) through the European Single Access ...

Geef pensioenfondsen vrije keuze bij keuze centrale tegenpartij

ID 24880
The Dutch Federation of Pension Funds, along with several other European organizations representing derivatives users and clearing service providers, has expressed concern about the European Commission’s proposal for an „active account“ requirement under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR 3.0). This requirement **would oblige all market participants to maintain active accounts with EU central counterparties (CCPs) for clearing a portion of c ...

Leidraad Klimaatcommitment verbeterd

ID 24361
A new version of the guidance for relevant financing and investments has been jointly published by the umbrella organizations involved in the Climate Commitment, including the Pension Federation. The four umbrella organizations (the Dutch Banking Association, the Association of Insurers, the Pension Federation, and DUFAS) will update the guidance annually. This second version of the guidance applies to the **reporting of the CO2 content ...

Pensioenfederatie: PUOs zijn geen kritieke ICT-dienstverleners

ID 23869
The Pension Federation believes that Pension Fund Service Providers (PUOs) should not be designated as Critical Third Party Providers (CTPPs) of ICT services under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). There is no need for additional oversight on PUOs. The Pension Federation has responded to a consultation regarding the designation of CTPPs for ICT services (please see eventID=21440 for details). The DORA Regulation pertains ...
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