Events listed in [FI] Finansinspektionen

Asset Management
report / study

FI Analysis No. 43: d-SRI: A systemic risk indicator for Sweden

ID 26272
The FI has performed an analysis on the Swedish economy using the d-SRI (developed by the ECB based on the risks that led to crises in the past) and data from the Swedish Central Bank to cater the country’s domestic condition. d-SRI is intended to detect early signs of an upcoming crisis caused by domestic factors. 6 factors that make up the d-SRI are: ...

FI extends the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgage exposures

ID 26267
The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen (FI), has published a press release as regards its intention to extend the risk weight floor of 25% for Swedish retail mortgage exposures of institutions using the internal ratings-based (IRB) approach to calculate risk-weighted exposure amounts for credit risk and subsequent capital requirements. Specifically, FI informs that the European Commission and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) have ...

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

ID 26225
The Swedish financial supervisory authority, Finansinspektionen (FI) has published a press release to announce its decision to leave the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged. Based on the Capital Buffer Act (2014:966) which requires FI to quarterly review the buffer rate and amend it as needed, the regulator has determined that the countercyclical buffer of 2% which already applies since June 22, 2023 currently seems adequate. ...
Asset Management

Banking package close to completion

ID 26213
The last parts of Basel III will be implemented as per the „banking package“ approved in December 2023 (see eventid=24579 for details). In this light, FI plans to thoroughly analyse the impact and changes, which will be put in place starting 1 January 2025, ensuring that capital requirement is not likely to be increased immediately. Moreover, FI is taking a conservative approach and claims ...
Asset Management
report / study

Stability in the Financial System (2023:2): Adjustments to higher interest rates ...

ID 25977
The Swedish financial supervisory authority, Finansinspektionen (FI), has published its latest financial stability assessment, which is published twice a year and outlines key vulnerabilities in the financial sector. In 2023, global inflation decreased and is expected to drop further in 2024. However, uncertainty persists regarding central banks‘ actions and interest rate trends, as outlooks remain uncertain and unstable. Furthermore, high interest rates have already .. ...

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q3 2023

ID 25924
The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen (FI), has published a press release to inform of the availability of the latest capital requirements of Sweden’s largest banks and credit institutions in supervisory categories 1 and 2 at the end of Q3 2023. The capital requirements are thereby published for Sweden’s three major banks, Handelsbanken, SEB and Swedbank, as well as for Länsförsäkringar, Klarna, Kommuninvest, Svensk ...
Asset Management

Comparative figures for fund fees

ID 25822
Finansinspektionen, the financial market regulator in Sweden, has published a press release primarily addressed at retail investors to offer guidance to investors on choosing investment funds, particularly in view of their fees and the potential impacts of such on investment returns. In detail, Finansinspektionen distinguishes between index funds, which mirror an equity index and typically have lower fees, and actively managed funds that aim ...

European Commission approves extension of the risk weight floor for Swedish ...

ID 25739
Following the notification of the European Central Bank (ECB), the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) and the European Commission (EC) of its intention to extend the risk weight floor of 25% for residential real estate loans in Sweden (EventID 22925), Finansinspektionen, FI, has published a follow-up on this matter. Specifically, **FI informs that the European Commission has not objected to its proposal to extend ...
Asset Management

Protect consumers’ access to payment accounts

ID 25576
In view of the changing payment landscape in Sweden, the Swedish Ministry of Finance conducted a study on the current payment ecosystem and on the role of the Swedish state in such earlier this year. The results of the study triggered some proposed targeted amendments to numerous Swedish acts and regulations as outlined in the two enclosed statements. The Swedish financial market regulator, Finansinspektionen ...
Asset Management

Fraudsters use Bitcoin as bait

ID 25489
Finansinspektionen (FI), the Swedish financial market regulator, has recently published a press release in view of the increasing prevalence of investment fraud targeting consumers, with a focus on fraudulent schemes related to cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, and loans. In this press statement, the regulator warns about recent fraud typologies it has observed in the third quarter of 2023. These include the following: (1) E-mail scams: ...
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