Events listed in [Folketinget] Danish Parliament

Asset Management

Hvornår er forvaltere af alternative investeringsfonde og ...

ID 26345
The Danish FSA has made an assessment on the application of the Money Laundering Act on FAIFs and IFS. If these carry a license issued by the Danish FSA, it is not mandatory to register in the AML Register. Additionally, FAIFs and IFSs are regulated in § 1 PCS 1. 9) of the Money Laundering Act if they have direct customer contact.
Asset Management

Omstillingsfinansiering i den finansielle regulering

ID 25590
The aim of this document is to outline the methodology for „transition funding“, which is defined as the financing of the transition from the current economy into a more sustainable one. While „transition finance“ is not specified in a regulation, the Danish FSA defines it as „the use or raising of finance by companies to finance net zero emissions in line with the temperature ...
Asset Management

Vejledning om stresstest for små og mellemstore pengeinstitutter

ID 25255
The Danish FSA has amended its guidance on stress tests for small and medium firms. According to the FSA, the banks‘ net interest income in the first half of 2023 appears very high from a historical perspective, and this level cannot necessarily be expected to be maintained going forward. In light of this and as a precautionary measure, the FSA applies a cap on ...
Asset Management

Orientering om reviderede ESMA retningslinjer om produktstyring

ID 25114
The Danish FSA has informed ESMA of the adoption of the Guidelines on MiFID II product governance requirements (eventid=22543). These guidelines are designed to enhance investor protection by ensuring that financial products are manufactured and distributed in the best interests of clients. The guidelines, which were originally published in 2017, have been updated to incorporate recent supervisory experience and new regulatory developments: Manufacturers of ...
Asset Management

Periodisk rapportering om bæredygtighed for finansielle produkter (SFDR art. 11)

ID 24770
The FSA has issued a memo outlining the obligations for financial market participants regarding periodic sustainability reporting. Effective from 1 January 2023, these entities are mandated to produce an annual report detailing the sustainability attributes of their financial products or the sustainable investment objectives linked to each individual product. The frequency of this reporting is set to be annual, although the placement of this ...
Asset Management

Crowdfundingtjenesteudbydere skal etablere interne whistleblowerordninger

ID 23592
Following the introduction of crowdfunding and permits request (see eventid=23084), the Danish FSA reminds market participants that starting 1 July 2023, all crowdfunding companies will be subject to whistleblowing rules. As a result, it is necessary to implement an independent channel in the internal infrastructure where employees can report annonymously. It is also acceptable to outsource the whistleblowing scheme to an external counterparty.
Asset Management

Ansøgning om tilladelse til at fungere som crowdfundingtjenesteudbyder

ID 23277
The memo summarises the important aspects for new and existing crowdfunding services providers who will be obligated to apply for operating permits to the Danish FSA. #### Requirement for permission The requirement stems from Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 requiring crowdfunding providers to obtain official permits from their national authority bodies, to increase investor protection. The existing crowdfunding firms have an extended transition period until 10 ...

Vejledning om stresstest for små og mellemstore pengeinstitutter

ID 23122
Following the introduction of a guidance on stress tests for small and medium firms (see eventid=18092), the Danish FSA has enhanced the document with the following points: – interest risk rate on bonds includes bonds both within and outside the trading book – net fee income should be considered on an individual level, as there might exist income and/or expenses, which need adjustment. If, ...
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