Events listed in [FR] Federal Register

Asset Management

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board; Notice of ...

ID 26584
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, has published in the Federal Registered proposed rule change of the MSRB (Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board) in connection with the SEC’s amendments to Exchange Act Rule 15c6-1(5) to shorten the settlement process for most equity and corporate bond transactions, requiring the settlement of such transactions on a T+1 basis. The amendments aim to reduce operational risks and ...
Asset Management

Commission Guidance Regarding the Listing of Voluntary Carbon Credit Derivative ...

ID 26569
As previously announced on December 4, 2023, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has now published in the Federal Register its consultation on a proposed „Guidance on Listing VCC-Derivative Contracts“. The guidance outlines specific factors that Designated Contract Markets (DCMs) should consider when contemplating the listing of Voluntary Carbon Credit (VCC) derivative contracts on their platforms. The guidance aims to ensure that VCC ...
Asset Management

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.; ...

ID 26558
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, has published a statement in the Federal Register to inform that it will take more time „to determine whether to approve or disapprove“ a proposed rule change by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, FINRA, as regards the dissemination of „On-the-Run Nominal Coupon“ securities transaction data and the adoption of a corresponding pricing policy. Specifically, FINRA has filed ...

Home Mortgage Disclosure (Regulation C) Adjustment to Asset-Size Exemption Threshold

ID 26477
The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection has published in the Federal Register the asset size threshold adjustment outlined in regulation C with regard to loan data reporting requirements of financial institutions. In detail, (foreign) banks, savings associations, and credit unions must usually collect „data about their housing related lending activity“ if (a) they are located in metropolitan areas and (b) their total assets at ...

Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) Adjustment to Asset-Size Exemption Threshold

ID 26455
The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection has announced in the Federal Register the threshold adjustment outlined in regulation Z with regard to the establishment of mandatory escrow accounts for higher priced mortgage loans. In detail, creditors must establish an escrow account to set aside money for insurance premiums and property tax payments for higher priced mortgage loans, if their total assets at year end ...

Community Reinvestment Act Regulations Asset-Size Thresholds

ID 26409
As previously announced by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (EventID 24582), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FED) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) have now published in the Federal Register the yearly adjustment of the asset size thresholds to be classified as „small“ and „intermediate small“ institutions for 2024**. These categories are used (a) by regulatory ...
Asset Management

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.; ...

ID 26163
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published in the Federal Register (requested) rule changes of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) for public comment. As described in the Federal Register, FINRA proposes (proposed) to amend numerous rules to make conforming adjustments in relation to the SEC’s final regulation to shorten the standard settlement cycle for most broker-dealer securities transactions from two business days (T+2) ...
Asset Management

Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest in Certain Securitizations

ID 26122
As previously announced by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on November 27, 2023 (EventID 24177), the Commission has now published in the Federal Register its final rule to prohibit asset-backed securitization participants including sponsors, underwriters, or placement agents to engage in certain transactions that may cause a conflict of interest between themselves and investors in an ABS. As outlined in the rule, ...

Federal Reserve Bank Capital Stock

ID 25999
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FED) published in the Federal Register the annual asset-size threshold adjustment pursuant to Regulation I entitled „Required stock purchases of Federal Reserve Bank stock“. This amount determines whether a bank will be paid a dividend of 6% (for those banks with total consolidated assets up to the threshold limit) or will be paid a dividend ...

Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions

ID 25995
As previously announced by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FED) on November 27, 2023 (EventID 24179), the FED has now published in the Federal Register its final rule which modifies statutory instrument 12 CFR Part 204, § 204.4 to adjust the amounts of reservable liabilities, including net transaction accounts, exempt from reserve requirements for 2024. Because the reserve ratio was set ...
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