Events listed in [IFRS] International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation

Registration open for the IFRS Sustainability Symposium 2024

ID 26377
The IFRS Sustainability Symposium 2024, scheduled for 22 February 2024 at the Javits Center, New York City, is a pivotal event for global investors, corporates, advisors, regulators, and policymakers. Offering both in-person and virtual attendance options, this symposium serves as a premier platform for knowledge exchange and insights into sustainability-related financial disclosures. **The 2024 edition emphasizes experiential learning, practical takeaways, and a glimpse into ...

ISSB consults on proposed digital taxonomy to improve global accessibility and ...

ID 24439
The ISSB has released the Proposed IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy for public review. This taxonomy aligns with the disclosure requirements found in the ISSB’s initial two Standards, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. The Proposed IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy aims to enable digital consumption of sustainability-related financial disclosures from the outset. It was developed based on feedback received on Exposure Drafts IFRS S1 and IFRS ...

IFRS Foundation publishes comparison of IFRS S2 with the TCFD Recommendations

ID 24349
The IFRS Foundation has released a comparison of IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. Recently, the ISSB has issued climate-related disclosures in line with the TCFD. These requirements are integrated and consistent with the TCFD’s core recommendations and 11 disclosures. **IFRS S1 provides general requirements for disclosing sustainability-related financial information and incorporates ...

Learn more about IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 in our forthcoming webinars with ISSB ...

ID 24124
The ISSB will be holding two webinars on the 12th and 18th of July to provide a detailed overview of two of its inaugural Standards: IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. The first webinar will take place on the 12th of July at 17:00 CEST (Frankfurt time) and will cover IFRS S1: General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information. The second webinar will take ...

ISSB issues inaugural global sustainability disclosure standards

ID 23871
The ISSB has released its inaugural standards, namely IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. This development marks a significant milestone in the realm of sustainability-related disclosures in global capital markets. The introduction of these standards is expected to enhance trust and confidence in company disclosures pertaining to sustainability, thus enabling better-informed investment decisions. The development of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 by the ISSB was ...

Consultation to enhance the International Applicability of the SASB Standards now ...

ID 23208
The ISSB is seeking feedback on the Methodology for Enhancing the International Applicability of the SASB Standards and SASB Standards Taxonomy Updates, as enhancements will preserve the structure, completeness and intent of the SASB Standards. The SASB Standards are already being used by more than 2,700 companies in over 70 jurisdictions worldwide, including 72% of the S&P Global 1200 Index. The ISSB now governs ...

April 2023 supplementary ISSB Update now available

ID 22679
On 4 April 2023, the ISSB convened to deliberate on transition reliefs for the IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information. The board provisionally agreed to include a transition relief in IFRS S1 that would permit an entity to report solely on climate-related risks and opportunities outlined in IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures during the first year of implementing IFRS S1 and ...

IFRS Foundation publishes 2022 Annual Report

ID 22667
The IFRS Foundation has released its 2022 Annual Report for the year ending on 31 December 2022. The report highlights significant achievements of the IASB and the ISSB towards their mission of providing better information to investors and other capital market participants worldwide for making informed decisions. The report also discusses the consolidation of the IFRS Foundation, the Climate Disclosure Standards Board, and the ...

Connectivity―what is it and what does it deliver?

ID 22453
The ISSB was created to operate alongside the IASB to provide information for investment decisions. Having two standard-setting boards within the IFRS Foundation offers stakeholders the benefits of connectivity, resulting in holistic and coherent general purpose financial reports. Investors are the primary audience for general purpose financial reports, including sustainability-related financial disclosures and financial statements, which complement each other. Connectivity i ...

ISSB ramps up activities to support global implementation ahead of issuing ...

ID 21924
The ISSB, at its meeting on 16 February 2023 in Montreal, made its final decisions on all technical contents of its initial Standards. Thence, the ISSB approved the entering of the balloting process (a drafting, review and approval process to ensure a project document is well written and accurately reflects board decisions) of the Standards, ahead of their expected issuance at the end of ...
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