Events listed in [MAS] Monetary Authority of Singapore

Code of Corporate Governance

ID 26485
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has published a press release to inform of a revised „Practice Guidance“ to the Code of Corporate Governance. The guidance is aimed at assisting listed firms in Singapore develop adequate and good corporate governance standards within their entities. It supplements the Code of Corporate Governance in that it provides detailed guidance and illustrative examples as to how to ...
Asset Management

Consultation Paper on Proposed Changes to Complex Products Regime

ID 26476
On December 21, 2023, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, MAS, has launched a response paper to its public consultation on the complex product regime. Under the regime, all investment products are classified based on their characteristics in terms of risk as either „simple“ investment products, also called Excluded Investment Products (EIPs) or „complex“ investment products, also called Specified Investment Product (SIPs). Products classified as ...
Asset Management

Consultation Paper on Proposals to Mandate Reference Checks

ID 26221
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has published a consultation outcome paper on a consultation that was launched back in 2021 on proposed requirements to perform and respond to mandatory reference checks for certain employees of a company (please see EventID 10912 for a detailed description of the consultation). The requirements would apply to a large number of supervised firms, including brokers, fund management ...

FAQs on Licensing and Business Conduct (Other than for Fund Management Companies)

ID 26217
The Monetary Authority of Singapore, MAS, has published updated frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the licensing and business conduct of financial market participants other than fund management companies. The FAQs provide guidance to numerous market participants, including venture capital funds, investment trusts, exempt OTC derivatives brokers, and certain (other) Capital Market Service (CMS) license holders with respect to the scope of a CMS license, ...

Guidelines on Outsourcing (Financial Institutions other than Banks)

ID 26206
In view of the increasing use of outsourcing arrangements by financial market players, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has published new guidelines in this context. In these guidelines, MAS outlines its expectations of firms currently engaged in outsourcing arrangements or that plan to be come engaged in such. MAS thereby covers a wide range of issues including the following: – the responsibilities of ...

FAQ on MAS Guidelines on Outsourcing

ID 26179
Following the publication of guidelines on outsourcing arrangements (please see EventID 24383 in this context), the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has also published an accompanying set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) relating to various issues addressed in the guidelines. These FAQs aim to clarify the application of the guidelines and various requirements thereunder, including requirements pertaining to the audit and review obligations or ...

Form 11 – Appointment of Chief Executive Officer or Director / Change of ...

ID 26134
The Monetary Authority of Singapore has issued a revised form (Form 11) for capital market licensees, including custodians, REIT management, credit rating agencies, financial advisers, and others, which must be used to apply with MAS for „the appointment of a Chief Executive Officer or director“ or for the change of a director’s role. Noted firms are expected to submit the form online. Following a ...
Asset Management

Singapore and China Enhance Digital Finance and Capital Markets Cooperation

ID 26115
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has issued a press release in which it informs of a series of strategic initiatives aimed at deepening cooperation in digital finance and capital markets with China. These initiatives were deliberated upon during the 19th Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation meeting, co-chaired by Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr. Lawrence Wong, and China’s Executive Vice ...

Compliance Toolkit for Approvals, Notifications and Other Regulatory Submissions to ...

ID 26113
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has issued an updated version of its „Compliance Toolkit for Approvals, Notifications and Other Regulatory Submissions to MAS“ which is basically a guidance for banks, (exempt) financial advisers, credit rating agencies and certain other capital market services licensees on filing and reporting requirements in connection with their business. The toolkit contains – among others – information on the ...
Asset Management

MAS Publishes Code of Conduct for Providers of Environmental, Social, and ...

ID 26094
Following the launch of a public consultation on a voluntary „Code of Conduct (CoC)“ for ESG rating and data providers to implement a first set of business standards to adhere to in July this year (please see EventID 21931 in this context for more information), the Monetary Authority of Singapore, MAS, has published a corresponding consultation response. In it, MAS briefly summarizes the responses ...
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