Events listed in [MoFNL] Ministry of Finance

Asset Management

Nederlandse cryptowet gaat consumenten beter beschermen

ID 25864
The Dutch government published news reporting that it has approved new regulations to better protect consumers in the cryptocurrency market. Cryptocurrency companies will be required to adhere to certain guidelines, including avoiding misleading advertisements, providing warnings about the risks associated with crypto transactions, and obtaining licenses to operate in the European market. Additionally, there are enhanced rules for combating money laundering and terrorism fina ...
Asset Management

Wetsvoorstel om toegang tot UBO-registers te beperken

ID 25854
The Dutch government published news about a [legislative proposal that has been introduced to restrict access to Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO)]() registers in the Netherlands. Access to these registers will now be limited to entities with a legal task in preventing and combating fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing. Individuals and organizations can also access the UBO register if they have a legitimate interest, ...
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