The FSMA has issued a newsletter to intermediaries regarding their contributions to the functioning expenses of the FSMA.
This newsletter is important for intermediaries who were previously registered under a central organization. Entities in scope received this newsletter because they had at least one registration as an intermediary managed by a central organization until 8 June 2022. The responsibility for managing registration requests and files is the responsibility of the central organization, which manages the files collectively, and also paid the functioning expenses contributions in previous years.
The FSMA informed entities in scope on 5 April and 8 June 2022 that the concept of a central organization had been abolished due to legislative changes. Since 8 June 2022, collective management of registrations is no longer possible, and entities are now responsible for complying with all legal conditions required to maintain their registration(s), including contributions to FSMA’s functioning expenses.
If their registration file has changed since 1 January 2023, entities must check whether they have notified the FSMA of any changes. Any changes made after that date have no impact on the calculation of fees. The date of reference is 1 January of each year, and changes made after that date are not taken into account.
Payment invitations for the functioning expenses will be sent at the beginning of summer 2023. Entities will receive separate payment invitations for each registration if they have multiple registrations as an intermediary. It is their responsibility to keep their registration file up to date at all times, and any changes must be communicated through the CABRIO application.