“ We have now reached a point where the scope of regulation has exceeded the capacity of both the industry and the supervisory authorities”.
Yves Stein, CEO Banque Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) S.A. at the ABBL meeting on 22 April 2024
Topic spotlight
ESAs' view on MiCA
[ESMA24-229244789-4623 ] SMSG Advice on second MiCA package
ID 26343
The SMSG provided advice to ESMA on the second consultation paper regarding Technical Stan ...
The SMSG provided advice to ESMA on the second consultation paper regarding Technical Standards for MiCA, covering various aspects of the MiCA Regulation. Proportionality was emphasized, with the SMSG supporting the approach to business continuity measures that consider the scale, nature, and range of crypto-asset services. They recommended incorporating proportionality in other aspects of MiCA to prevent barriers to small players without compromising safety ...
The EBA consults on draft technical standards specifying the requirements for ...
ID 26126
EBA has issued a Consultation Paper presenting draft RTS defining the requirements for pol ...
EBA has issued a Consultation Paper presenting draft RTS defining the requirements for policies and procedures concerning conflicts of interest for issuers of ARTs under MiCA. The objective of these draft RTS is to enhance the governance of conflicts of interest by ART issuers and ensure uniformity in requirements across the EU. According to Article 32(1) MiCA, issuers of ARTs are obligated to establish ...
The EBA consults on draft technical standards on own funds requirements and stress ...
ID 25712
EBA has initiated two consultations on draft RTS related to own funds requirements and str ...
EBA has initiated two consultations on draft RTS related to own funds requirements and stress testing for issuers under MiCA. The consultations focus on adjustments to own funds requirements and stress testing for issuers of ARTs and EMTs, including the procedure and timeframe for adjusting own funds requirements for significant ARTs or EMTs. — The first set of **[draft RTS on specifying the adjustment ...
The EBA consults on the reporting of transactions with asset-referenced tokens and ...
ID 25708
EBA has launched consultations under MiCA on draft RTS and ITS covering the reporting of t ...
EBA has launched consultations under MiCA on draft RTS and ITS covering the reporting of transactions involving ARTs and EMTs denominated in non-EU currencies. These consultations aim to provide support for issuers on reporting transactions associated with the use of these tokens „as a means of exchange.“ — The **[draft RTS on on the methodology to estimate the number and value of transactions associated ...
The EBA consults on draft technical standards on supervisory colleges under MiCAR
ID 25701
EBA has initiated a consultation on draft RTS on supervisory colleges (EBA/CP/2023/33) reg ...
EBA has initiated a consultation on draft RTS on supervisory colleges (EBA/CP/2023/33) regarding the criteria for composing supervisory colleges under the MiCA. The draft RTS propose specific criteria for determining the composition of supervisory colleges for issuers of significant ARTs or significant EMTs. It addresses conditions for the entities most relevant to custody, trading platforms, payment service providers, and CASPs. The document outlines conditions ...
The EBA consults on draft regulatory technical standards on liquidity requirements ...
ID 25698
EBA launched four consultations on three draft RTS and one set of draft Guidelines as part ...
EBA launched four consultations on three draft RTS and one set of draft Guidelines as part of the prudential package for MiCA. The consultations cover liquidity requirements of the reserve of assets, highly liquid financial instruments, and the minimum content of liquidity management policy and procedures for relevant issuers of tokens. Additionally, EBA is seeking input on stress test scenarios for liquidity stress testing. ...
The EBA consults on draft Guidelines on recovery plans for issuers of ...
ID 25697
EBA initiated a consultation on draft Guidelines regarding recovery plans for issuers of A ...
EBA initiated a consultation on draft Guidelines regarding recovery plans for issuers of ARTs and EMTs (EBA/CP/2023/30). The purpose of these draft guidelines is to establish requirements for the format and content of recovery plans that issuers of ARTs and EMTs should prepare. The recovery plans aim to help these issuers anticipate and address adverse scenarios that could hinder their compliance with regulatory requirements ...
The EBA consults on draft technical standards on the procedure for the approval of ...
ID 25422
EBA has published a Consultation Paper on draft RTS for the approval procedure of white pa ...
EBA has published a Consultation Paper on draft RTS for the approval procedure of white papers associated with ARTs issued by credit institutions. These draft RTS aim to establish a standardized approval process across the EU, providing a clear framework for credit institutions and competent authorities involved in the issuance of ARTs. Under MiCA, credit institutions are allowed to issue ARTs without needing **specific ...
The EBA consults on draft Guidelines on internal governance arrangement for issuers ...
ID 25421
EBA has initiated a public consultation on draft Guidelines for internal governance arrang ...
EBA has initiated a public consultation on draft Guidelines for internal governance arrangements for issuers of ARTs under MiCA. These guidelines aim to establish governance provisions that ART issuers must adhere to, emphasizing the principle of proportionality. The goal is to ensure effective risk management for various operational risks, including fraud, cyber threats, and compliance risks, while also ensuring consumer and investor protection. The ...
The EBA consults on draft technical standards on governance arrangements of the ...
ID 25419
EBA has initiated a public consultation on draft RTS for the governance arrangements of re ...
EBA has initiated a public consultation on draft RTS for the governance arrangements of remuneration policies under MiCA. These draft RTS outline the necessary governance processes for adopting, implementing, and maintaining remuneration policies in the crypto-assets market. The primary goal of these draft RTS is to ensure that remuneration policies encourage sound and effective risk management for issuers of significant ARTs and significant EMT. ...
EBA and ESMA consult on two sets of joint guidelines under MiCA
ID 25416
EBA and ESMA have jointly published a Consultation Paper on two sets of draft guidelines u ...
EBA and ESMA have jointly published a Consultation Paper on two sets of draft guidelines under MiCA. These guidelines are related to the suitability assessment of members of the management body and shareholders/members with qualifying holdings in issuers of ARTs and CASPs. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide clarity and harmonization in assessing the suitability of management body members, shareholders, and members ...
ESMA encourages preparations for a smooth transition to MiCA
ID 25356
ESMA has issued a call for preparations to ensure a seamless transition to MiCA, which rep ...
ESMA has issued a call for preparations to ensure a seamless transition to MiCA, which represents a new regulatory framework for crypto-assets within the EU. In addition, ESMA’s Chair, Verena Ross, addressed a letter to ECOFIN, emphasizing the need for timely actions. ESMA’s primary concerns revolve around two key areas: First, the authority urges EU Member States to promptly designate the NCAs responsible for ...
ESMA assesses market developments in DeFi and explores the smart contracts system
ID 25295
ESMA has recently released two articles in its TRV analysis, addressing the ever-evolving ...
ESMA has recently released two articles in its TRV analysis, addressing the ever-evolving world of DeFi. These articles provide important insights into the challenges and risks associated with DeFi and smart contracts in the EU market. ESMA acknowledges the need for vigilant monitoring of these developments to safeguard investor protection and financial stability. In the first article, ESMA explores the **developments and risks of ...
[ESMA24-229244789-4580 ] SMSG Advice on the Consultation Paper on Technical ...
ID 25283
The SMSG has provided advice to ESMA regarding its Consultation Paper on Technical Standar ...
The SMSG has provided advice to ESMA regarding its Consultation Paper on Technical Standards for MiCA. The SMSG emphasizes the need for a balanced approach in regulating the crypto asset sector, considering both investor protection and fostering innovation. The SMSG believes that entities operating in the crypto space should be subjected to the same level of regulation and oversight as traditional financial intermediaries. This ...
[MiCA ] MiCA white papers PoC
ID 25227
ESMA has released a PoC to demonstrate the proposed format requirements for crypto-asset w ...
ESMA has released a PoC to demonstrate the proposed format requirements for crypto-asset white papers under MiCA. This PoC is designed to help market participants understand the application of Inline XBRL, a specific format for presenting crypto-asset white papers, as required by one ITS as part of the second consultation package regarding MiCA (eventid=23294). The PoC includes three main components: a **[draft taxonomy covering ...
ESMA publishes second consultation on crypto market rules
ID 25221
ESMA has published the second consultation package regarding MiCA, aiming to gather feedba ...
ESMA has published the second consultation package regarding MiCA, aiming to gather feedback from stakeholders on six draft RTS and two draft ITS, covering sustainability indicators for distributed ledgers, disclosures of inside information, technical requirements for white papers, trade transparency measures, and record-keeping and business continuity requirements for CASPs. ESMA plans to issue a final report based on the feedback received and submit draft ...
The EBA responds to the European Commission’s Call for Advice on significance ...
ID 25165
EBA has issued a comprehensive response to a request from the EC concerning two delegated ...
EBA has issued a comprehensive response to a request from the EC concerning two delegated acts under MiCA. These delegated acts focus on defining the criteria for determining the significance of ARTs and EMTs and establishing the supervisory fees that the EBA may charge to issuers of significant ARTs and EMTs. Firstly, the EBA proposes a detailed set of core and ancillary indicators for ...
EBA encourages timely preparatory steps towards the application of MiCAR to ...
ID 24201
EBA issued a statement addressing financial institutions and other entities engaged in ART ...
EBA issued a statement addressing financial institutions and other entities engaged in ART or EMT activities before 30 June 2024, the application date for the relevant provisions of the MiCAR. The statement aims to encourage preparatory actions towards MiCAR application, reduce risks of disruptive business adjustments, promote supervisory convergence, and protect consumers. The guiding principles in the statement include: – Disclosures and Fair Treatment: ...
EBA consults on draft technical standards on EU market access of issuers of ...
ID 24197
EBA has published a consultation paper on draft technical standards related to the issuanc ...
EBA has published a consultation paper on draft technical standards related to the issuance and market access of ARTs under MiCAR. These standards aim to ensure the proper regulation of ARTs and promote a standardized approach across the EU. The consultation paper introduces two sets of draft RTS and one set of ITS: The first set of RTS focuses on the information requirements for ...
ESMA seeks first input on detailed rules for crypto markets
ID 24182
ESMA has taken a significant step in regulating the crypto markets by publishing its first ...
ESMA has taken a significant step in regulating the crypto markets by publishing its first consultation package under the MiCA. MiCA is a comprehensive framework aimed at overseeing and supervising cryptoasset-related activities within the EU. In this initial consultation, ESMA seeks feedback from stakeholders on proposed rules for CASPs to ensure that the rapidly evolving crypto market operates under robust regulatory standards. The consultation ...
Topic spotlight
Greenwashing - Greenbleaching - Green Regs
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Asset Management, Banks, Insurance, conference / webinar
Registration open for the IFRS Sustainability Symposium 2024
ID 26377
The IFRS Sustainability Symposium 2024, scheduled for 22 February 2024 at the Javits Cente ...
The IFRS Sustainability Symposium 2024, scheduled for 22 February 2024 at the Javits Center, New York City, is a pivotal event for global investors, corporates, advisors, regulators, and policymakers. Offering both in-person and virtual attendance options, this symposium serves as a premier platform for knowledge exchange and insights into sustainability-related financial disclosures. **The 2024 edition emphasizes experiential learning, practical takeaways, and a glimpse into ...
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), Asset Management, Banks, Capital Markets, Insurance, conference / webinar
New joint webinar „Supporting high-quality ESRS implementation“ ...
ID 26120
Accountancy Europe and EFRAG will jointly host a 2-hour webinar titled „Supporting h ...
Accountancy Europe and EFRAG will jointly host a 2-hour webinar titled „Supporting high-quality ESRS implementation“ on 12 December from 10:00 to 12:00 CET. As a reminder, commencing on 1 January 2024, the CSRD and the ESRS will become effective, impacting the reporting practices of relevant companies. The ESRS delineate reporting requirements under the CSRD, introducing novel concepts and obligations that will pose challenges for ...
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), Asset Management, Banks, Capital Markets, Insurance, Q&As
Launch of the EFRAG ESRS Q&A Platform to support the implementation of ESRS
ID 25480
EFRAG launched its ESRS Q&A Platform to facilitate the implementation of ESRS. This p ...
EFRAG launched its ESRS Q&A Platform to facilitate the implementation of ESRS. This platform aims to collect and answer technical implementation questions from preparers and other stakeholders. This initiative supports the European Commission’s request to prioritize capacity building for ESRS implementation, particularly the sector-agnostic standards adopted on 31 July 2023. Indeed, the **ESRS Q&A Platform is designed to address and resolve technical questions ...
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), Asset Management, Banks, Capital Markets, Insurance, conference / webinar
EFRAG announces its annual Conference 2023 „European corporate reporting ...
ID 25129
The 2023 EFRAG Conference, titled „European corporate reporting: two pillars for suc ...
The 2023 EFRAG Conference, titled „European corporate reporting: two pillars for success“, is scheduled for 28 November 2023, in Brussels. This conference is a collaborative effort between EFRAG, the European Commission, and will feature the European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services, and the Capital Markets Union, Mairead McGuinness. The event will run from 9:00 to 17:15 CET. The primary focus of the conference ...
ISSB consults on proposed digital taxonomy to improve global accessibility and ...
ID 24439
The ISSB has released the Proposed IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy for public revi ...
The ISSB has released the Proposed IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy for public review. This taxonomy aligns with the disclosure requirements found in the ISSB’s initial two Standards, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. The Proposed IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy aims to enable digital consumption of sustainability-related financial disclosures from the outset. It was developed based on feedback received on Exposure Drafts IFRS S1 and IFRS ...
IFRS Foundation publishes comparison of IFRS S2 with the TCFD Recommendations
ID 24349
The IFRS Foundation has released a comparison of IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures with ...
The IFRS Foundation has released a comparison of IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. Recently, the ISSB has issued climate-related disclosures in line with the TCFD. These requirements are integrated and consistent with the TCFD’s core recommendations and 11 disclosures. **IFRS S1 provides general requirements for disclosing sustainability-related financial information and incorporates ...
Learn more about IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 in our forthcoming webinars with ISSB ...
ID 24124
The ISSB will be holding two webinars on the 12th and 18th of July to provide a detailed o ...
The ISSB will be holding two webinars on the 12th and 18th of July to provide a detailed overview of two of its inaugural Standards: IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. The first webinar will take place on the 12th of July at 17:00 CEST (Frankfurt time) and will cover IFRS S1: General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information. The second webinar will take ...
Commissioner McGuinness addresses the EFRAG SRB in a special public meeting.
ID 24113
The EFRAG has published a press release on the extraordinary meeting of the EFRAG SRB on 6 ...
The EFRAG has published a press release on the extraordinary meeting of the EFRAG SRB on 6 July, which was attended by Commissioner Mairead McGuinness. The Commissioner appreciated EFRAG’s work and emphasised the importance of a holistic approach for the economy’s development. The adoption of the first set of standards for the ESRS is in its final stages and expected by the end of ...
ISSB issues inaugural global sustainability disclosure standards
ID 23871
The ISSB has released its inaugural standards, namely IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. This developmen ...
The ISSB has released its inaugural standards, namely IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. This development marks a significant milestone in the realm of sustainability-related disclosures in global capital markets. The introduction of these standards is expected to enhance trust and confidence in company disclosures pertaining to sustainability, thus enabling better-informed investment decisions. The development of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 by the ISSB was ...
EFRAG welcomes next step towards the first set of ESRS
ID 23672
In the context of the launch of the EU Commission’s consultation on the draft Delega ...
In the context of the launch of the EU Commission’s consultation on the draft Delegated Regulation adopting a first set of ESRS, the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board held a meeting „dedicated to a presentation from the EC about the draft ESRS delegated act“. According to EFRAG, the feedback phase is „crucial to the timely implementation of the much needed sustainability reporting regime established by ...
IFRS General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information, Asset Management, consultation
Consultation to enhance the International Applicability of the SASB Standards now ...
ID 23208
The ISSB is seeking feedback on the Methodology for Enhancing the International Applicabil ...
The ISSB is seeking feedback on the Methodology for Enhancing the International Applicability of the SASB Standards and SASB Standards Taxonomy Updates, as enhancements will preserve the structure, completeness and intent of the SASB Standards. The SASB Standards are already being used by more than 2,700 companies in over 70 jurisdictions worldwide, including 72% of the S&P Global 1200 Index. The ISSB now governs ...
April 2023 supplementary ISSB Update now available
ID 22679
On 4 April 2023, the ISSB convened to deliberate on transition reliefs for the IFRS S1 Gen ...
On 4 April 2023, the ISSB convened to deliberate on transition reliefs for the IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information. The board provisionally agreed to include a transition relief in IFRS S1 that would permit an entity to report solely on climate-related risks and opportunities outlined in IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures during the first year of implementing IFRS S1 and ...
IFRS Foundation publishes 2022 Annual Report
ID 22667
The IFRS Foundation has released its 2022 Annual Report for the year ending on 31 December ...
The IFRS Foundation has released its 2022 Annual Report for the year ending on 31 December 2022. The report highlights significant achievements of the IASB and the ISSB towards their mission of providing better information to investors and other capital market participants worldwide for making informed decisions. The report also discusses the consolidation of the IFRS Foundation, the Climate Disclosure Standards Board, and the ...
European Commission calls on EFRAG to prioritise implementation support for the ...
ID 22543
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has been told by EU Commissioner M ...
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has been told by EU Commissioner McGuinness to focus on capacity building for the implementation of the first set of European Single Reporting Standards (ESRS) rather than on preparatory work for draft sector-specific standards. EFRAG is adjusting its work plan to reflect this new priority while still continuing work on sector-specific standards and standards for small and ...
Connectivity―what is it and what does it deliver?
ID 22453
The ISSB was created to operate alongside the IASB to provide information for investment d ...
The ISSB was created to operate alongside the IASB to provide information for investment decisions. Having two standard-setting boards within the IFRS Foundation offers stakeholders the benefits of connectivity, resulting in holistic and coherent general purpose financial reports. Investors are the primary audience for general purpose financial reports, including sustainability-related financial disclosures and financial statements, which complement each other. Connectivity i ...
EFRAG’s Final Comment Letter on the IASB’s ED International Tax Reform – Pillar Two ...
ID 22260
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has published its response letter ...
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has published its response letter to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) regarding the Exposure Draft ED/2023/1 International Tax Reforms – Pillar Two Model Rules. EFRAG supports the IASB’s proposal to provide a mandatory temporary exception for the requirements in IAS 12 Income Taxes, under which entities should neither recognise nor disclose information about deferred tax assets ...
EFRAG issues the set of Basis for conclusions for its first set of draft ESRS
ID 22233
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has released a set of Basis for Co ...
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has released a set of Basis for Conclusions (BfC) to supplement its first set of draft European Single Reporting Standards (ESRS), which were submitted to the European Commission in November 2022. The BfC explains the objective and context of the draft standards, the process followed in their preparation, and the reasons for including a disclosure requirement. It ...
EFRAG releases a series of educational videos on the first set of draft ESRS
ID 22121
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has released a series of „ed ...
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has released a series of „educational videos to provide interested stakeholders with a better understanding of“ the first set of draft standards (draft ESRS), that were submitted to the European Commission (EC) in November 2022. In total, 20 videos are available on EFRAGs dedicated website, which are „presented by the EFRAG sustainability reporting Technical Expert Group (TEG) ...
ISSB ramps up activities to support global implementation ahead of issuing ...
ID 21924
The ISSB, at its meeting on 16 February 2023 in Montreal, made its final decisions on all ...
The ISSB, at its meeting on 16 February 2023 in Montreal, made its final decisions on all technical contents of its initial Standards. Thence, the ISSB approved the entering of the balloting process (a drafting, review and approval process to ensure a project document is well written and accurately reflects board decisions) of the Standards, ahead of their expected issuance at the end of ...
EFRAG releases its summary report on the conference „Where is Corporate ...
ID 21890
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has released a summary report on t ...
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has released a summary report on the conference titled „Where is Corporate Reporting heading?“ that was held on December 7, 2022 in Brussels. The event focused on discussing „new trends in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting and the growing importance of the connectivity between sustainability and financial reporting“. The report summarises the key points presented by ...
Topic spotlight
CSDR related regulatory events
Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), Asset Management, Banks, Capital Markets, regulation
Regulation (EU) 2023/2845 as regards settlement discipline, cross-border provision ...
ID 26566
New Regulation (EU) 2023/2845 relating to the operation and passporting of central securit ...
New Regulation (EU) 2023/2845 relating to the operation and passporting of central securities depositories (CSDs), the settlement discipline, and the provision of other banking-type services by CSDs was published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the EU. The Regulation is aimed at improving the operational efficiency of CSDs and – subsequently – the settlement of financial transactions and the functioning of the financial market ...
ALFI responds to the ESMA call for evidence on the shortening of the settlement ...
ID 26463
ALFI’s response to ESMA’s call for evidence on the move to T+1/T+0 settlement ...
ALFI’s response to ESMA’s call for evidence on the move to T+1/T+0 settlement cycles, dated December 15, 2023, outlines ALFI’s perspectives on the potential transition. The document touches on various aspects of the proposed shift, emphasizing the challenges faced by asset managers, especially in terms of cash management and provides a detailed analysis of the impacts on various operational processes, including matching, allocation, affirmation, ...
ABBL answer to ESMA – Call for evidence on shortening of the settlement cycle
ID 26435
In response to ESMA’s call for evidence on the potential shortening of the securitie ...
In response to ESMA’s call for evidence on the potential shortening of the securities settlement cycle in European markets, the ABBL, together with its members, has submitted a comprehensive response. As a reminder, the initiative by ESMA is driven by the objective of evaluating the feasibility of reducing the settlement cycle from the current T+2 to T+1, and potentially even T+0. The consultation aims ...
Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), Asset Management, Banks, Capital Markets, opinion
Shortening the settlement cycle
ID 26398
EFAMA supports a timely transition to a T+1 settlement cycle for Europe in response to the ...
EFAMA supports a timely transition to a T+1 settlement cycle for Europe in response to the ESMA Call for Evidence (eventid=23184). EFAMA acknowledges the imminent move to T1 in the US (eventid=19797, eventid=24191) and emphasizes the need for a dynamic roadmap that can be adapted based on lessons learned from the US migration. The document highlights the **potential impacts of moving to T+1 or ...
Réponse AFG au Call for Evidence de l’ESMA sur un raccourcissement du cycle de ...
ID 26387
In response to ESMA‘ Call for Evidence regarding the potential reduction of the secu ...
In response to ESMA‘ Call for Evidence regarding the potential reduction of the securities settlement cycle in the EU from T+2 to T+1, the AFG published a response and appreciates the opportunity to contribute to the discussion. The objective of this call is to gather insights from market participants and quantitative data to **evaluate the costs, benefits, and regulatory requirements associated with such a ...
ESMA consults on potential changes to the CSDR penalty mechanism
ID 26326
ESMA has initiated a consultation on potential modifications to the penalty mechanism outl ...
ESMA has initiated a consultation on potential modifications to the penalty mechanism outlined in the CSDR. The CSDR, established in 2014, aims to enhance securities settlement in the EU and regulate central securities depositories. Settlement fails, where transactions are not completed as intended, are addressed through reporting requirements, cash penalties, and mandatory buy-ins under the CSDR. ESMA’s consultation, open until 29 February 2024, seeks ...
BVI response on the Call for evidence in shortening the settlement cycle
ID 26317
Der BVI Veröffentlicht eine Stellungnahme zur ESMA-Konsultation „Call for Evidence o ...
Der BVI Veröffentlicht eine Stellungnahme zur ESMA-Konsultation „Call for Evidence on Shortening the Settlement Cycle: High-Level Remarks of the European T+1 Industry Task Force“ (eventid=23184). In seiner Stellungnahme signalisiert der BVI grundlegende Unterstützung für die geplante Verkürzung der Abwicklungsfrist von Wertpapiergeschäften in der EU von zwei auf einen Tag (T+1), betont jedoch die Notwendigkeit eines angemessenen Zeitrahmens für die Umsetzung, eins ...
Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), Asset Management, Banks, Capital Markets, opinion
AFME responds to ESMA consultation on shortening settlement cycles in the EU
ID 26305
AFME has provided a response to ESMA’s CfE on the potential shortening of settlement ...
AFME has provided a response to ESMA’s CfE on the potential shortening of settlement cycles in the EU (please see EventID#23184). AFME expresses its support for moving to a T+1 settlement cycle but underscores the complexity and demands associated with such a transition. AFME emphasizes the need for careful consideration of feedback before deciding on the next steps. AFME outlines key points in its ...
Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), Asset Management, Banks, Capital Markets, opinion
EFAMA Note: Impacts of US T1 on EU Regulation
ID 25655
EFAMA published a paper discussing the potential impacts of the US transitioning to a T+1 ...
EFAMA published a paper discussing the potential impacts of the US transitioning to a T+1 settlement cycle in May 2024 (US-eventid=19797) on EU regulations. The shift from T+2 to T+1 settlement cycles between the US and the EU is expected to introduce operational challenges and potentially alter market structures. However, a more direct consequence highlighted in the note is the impact on the enforcement ...
Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), Asset Management, Banks, Capital Markets, report / study
Improving the Settlement Efficiency Landscape in Europe
ID 25581
AFME and Deloitte released a report titled „Improving the Settlement Efficiency Land ...
AFME and Deloitte released a report titled „Improving the Settlement Efficiency Landscape in Europe“. The report examines the causes of settlement fails in the EU securities market and provides recommendations to enhance the efficiency of post-trade processes. The lack of high-quality, granular, public data on settlement fail rates and reasons in Europe has been identified as a barrier to assessing the current environment. To ...
Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), Asset Management, Banks, Capital Markets, consultation
ESMA consults on the potential impact of shortening the standard settlement cycle
ID 25236
ESMA has launched a CfE to assess the possible impact of shortening the securities settlem ...
ESMA has launched a CfE to assess the possible impact of shortening the securities settlement cycle in the EU. The current settlement cycle in the EU stands at T+2, meaning that securities transactions are settled two business days after the trade occurs. ESMA is now considering the reduction of this cycle to T+1, which would expedite the settlement process. ESMA is soliciting feedback and ...
Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), Asset Management, Banks, Capital Markets, opinion
AFME welcomes ESMA Call for Evidence on shortening settlement cycles
ID 25230
AFME welcomes the CfE by ESMA regarding the shortening of settlement cycles in the EU (eve ...
AFME welcomes the CfE by ESMA regarding the shortening of settlement cycles in the EU (eventid=23184). To recall, ESMA is considering shortening the securities settlement cycle in the EU from T+2 to T+1 and is soliciting feedback from stakeholders to assess the costs and benefits of this change. The consultation also covers the scope of regulated financial instruments and potential impacts on **trading and ...
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1626 of 19 April 2023 on amending the ...
ID 24622
New Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1626 as regards the collection of cash penal ...
New Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1626 as regards the collection of cash penalties by central securities depositories for „settlement fails relating to cleared transactions submitted by CCPs for settlement“ was published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the EU. *The Delegated Regulation modifies Article 19 of [Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1229*](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX:32018R1229&qid=1564391907210) ...
AFME welcomes CSDR political agreement
ID 23896
AFME has expressed its approval of the political agreement reached between the European Co ...
AFME has expressed its approval of the political agreement reached between the European Council and EP regarding the CSDR. In the agreement, mandatory buy-ins are seen as a last resort measure, to be activated only if settlement levels in the EU have not improved and are considered to pose a risk to financial stability. AFME supports a focus on alternative tools to enhance settlement ...
[ESMA70-156-4448 ] Q&As – Central Securities Depositories Regulation
ID 22245
ESMA has published a new version of the Q&As on the implementation of Regulation (EU) ...
ESMA has published a new version of the Q&As on the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 on enhancing securities Securities Settlement in the EU and on Central Securities Depositories. The purpose of this document is to promote common supervisory approaches and practices in the application of CSDR. It provides responses to questions posed by the general public, market participants and NCAs in relation ...
AFME announces establishment of T+1 industry taskforce
ID 22098
The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) has set up a new industry task forc ...
The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) has set up a new industry task force to assess the potential impact of moving to a one-day settlement cycle (T+1) in Europe. AFME is calling for a broad and diverse group of industry associations representing stakeholders to participate in the task force, that will assess whether Europe should follow other jurisdictions, such as the US, ...
ESMA assesses supervision of Central Securities Depositories
ID 21893
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), published its Peer Review Report on ...
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), published its Peer Review Report on the national supervision of Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) providing cross-border services or participating in interoperable links. Six National Competent Authorities (NCAs) were evaluated in terms of how they supervise CSDs that use the freedom to provide services in another Member State. On-site visits to the CSSF (Luxembourg), FKTK (Latvia), and NBB ...
AFME comments on US move to one-day settlement cycles
ID 21891
The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) comments on the announcement by the ...
The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) comments on the announcement by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that the US will transition to a one-day settlement cycle (T+1) by May 2024. (eventid=19797) AFME believes that this goal is ambitious and will pose a significant challenge to all market participants worldwide, AFME is assisting its members and the industry as a whole ...
Outsourcing and third party risk management Supervisory Statement: central ...
ID 21775
The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) of the Bank of England has issued a new Supervis ...
The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) of the Bank of England has issued a new Supervisory Statement addressed at central securities depositories (CSDs) as regards the PRA’s expectations concerning „outsourcing and third party risk management“. The statement thereby sets out expectations in the following areas, among others: – Governance, oversight and documentation which includes, among other aspects, the documentation and continuous recording of e ...
Topic spotlight
Financial Action Task Force publications
Germany’s progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and ...
ID 26129
The present „Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures Germany, ...
The present „Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures Germany, 1st Enhanced Follow-up Report“ provides an assessment of Germany’s progress in addressing technical compliance deficiencies identified in its MER by the FATF. The report was adopted by the FATF Plenary in November 2023. **The purpose of the report is to analyze Germany’s progress in improving technical compliance and to re-rate the country on specific FATF ...
The FATF Recommendations
ID 25843
The FATF has released a revised version of its Recommendations, which provide a comprehens ...
The FATF has released a revised version of its Recommendations, which provide a comprehensive framework for countries to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing of weapons of mass destruction. The FATF Recommendations are recognized as the international standard for combating these ML/TF/PF threats, and countries are expected to implement them through measures adapted to their particular circumstances. These **FATF Standards, which comprise . ...
Illicit Financial Flows from Cyber-enabled Fraud
ID 25725
The present FATF report on Illicit Financial Flows from Cyber-Enabled Fraud focuses on the ...
The present FATF report on Illicit Financial Flows from Cyber-Enabled Fraud focuses on the escalating issue of CEF as a burgeoning transnational organized crime. CEF criminal syndicates exhibit intricate structures, with distinct sub-groups possessing specialized criminal expertise, notably in money laundering. These sub-groups may operate in a decentralized manner across different jurisdictions, posing challenges to investigating CEF activities. Additionally, CEF syndicates ...
Consolidated assessment ratings & Cambodia’s, Thailand’s, ...
ID 25724
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together ...
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with Cambodia’s, Thailand’s, Mongolia’s and Myanmar’s progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with the FATF Recommendations, using the FATF Methodology together wit ...
Crowdfunding for Terrorism Financing
ID 25595
The present FATF report von Crowdfunding for Terrorism Financing addresses the significant ...
The present FATF report von Crowdfunding for Terrorism Financing addresses the significant and evolving international market of crowdfunding, emphasizing its susceptibility to exploitation by terrorist actors. The FATF conducted its first comprehensive international study on TF linked to crowdfunding, drawing on experiences from the FATF Global Network, industry experts, academia, and civil society. The definition of crowdfunding in this project encompasses formal crowdfundin ...
Public Consultation – FATF Risk-Based Guidance on Recommendation 25
ID 25579
The FATF has adopted amendments to Recommendation 25 on Transparency and beneficial owners ...
The FATF has adopted amendments to Recommendation 25 on Transparency and beneficial ownership of legal arrangements. As a result, the FATF has begun updating its guidance on Recommendation 25 in order to support the implementation of these new requirements. As a reminder, the FATF Risk-Based Guidance on Recommendation 25 focuses on three key areas: Firstly, it recognizes that express trusts and similar legal arrangements ...
High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action & Jurisdictions under ...
ID 25546
The FATF has updated – yet not changed – the list of High-Risk Jurisdictions s ...
The FATF has updated – yet not changed – the list of High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action due to their deficiencies in countering money laundering, terrorist financing, and financing of proliferation, the so-called „black list“. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the FATF review process for Iran and DPRK was paused, as these countries are already subject to the FATF’s call for ...
Consolidated assessment ratings – Finland’s, Japan’s and ...
ID 25474
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together ...
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with Finland’s, Japan’s and Switzerland’s progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with the FATF Recommendations, using the FATF Methodology together with the FATF 4th Rou ...
Consolidated assessment ratings & Luxembourg’s measures to combat money ...
ID 25100
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together ...
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with the publication of the Mutual Evaluation Report of Luxembourg on progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with the FATF Recommendations, using the FATF Methodology together with ...
Consolidated assessment ratings | Mutual Evaluations of Benin, Buthan, Burkina ...
ID 24577
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together ...
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with the publications of Mutual Evaluation Reports of Benin, Buthan, Burkina Faso, Brunei, Côte d’Ivoire, Laos & Liberia on progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an **up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with the ...
Consolidated assessment ratings | Mutual Evaluations of Dominica, North Macedonia, ...
ID 24431
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together ...
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with the publications of Mutual Evaluation Reports of Dominica, North Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Turkmenistan & Uzbekistan on progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with the FAT ...
Consolidated assessment ratings | Mutual Evaluation and Follow-Up Reports of ...
ID 24317
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together ...
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with the publications of Mutual Evaluation & Follow-Up Reports of Algeria, Chad, Gabon, Slovenia, Turkey & United Arab Emirates on progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an **up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with ...
FATF Methodology for assessing compliance with the FATF Recommendations and the ...
ID 23983
The FATF has made amendments to its Methodology for assessing compliance with the FATF Rec ...
The FATF has made amendments to its Methodology for assessing compliance with the FATF Recommendations and the effectiveness of AML/CFT systems, initially adopted on 22 February 2013. This revised Methodology serves as the basis for conducting assessments of technical compliance with the updated FATF Recommendations, adopted in February 2012, as well as evaluating the level of effectiveness of a country’s AML/CFT system. **The document ...
Public Consultations on a) the FATF Best Practice Paper to Combat the Abuse of Non ...
ID 23956
The FATF launched a set of consultations in the context of the FATF Recommendation 8 on NP ...
The FATF launched a set of consultations in the context of the FATF Recommendation 8 on NPOs. Indeed, as stated in the FATF Recommendations (last updated in February 2023), the revision of the standard on NPOs aims to provide clarity regarding the specific subset of NPOs that should be subjected to supervision and monitoring. This revision brings INR.8 in line with the FATF Typologies ...
Virtual Assets: Targeted Update on Implementation of the FATF Standards on VAs and ...
ID 23890
The FATF has extended its AML/CFT measures to include VAs and VASPs in order to prevent cr ...
The FATF has extended its AML/CFT measures to include VAs and VASPs in order to prevent criminal and terrorist misuse of this sector. However, a recent report by FATF reveals that many jurisdictions are struggling with the implementation of FATF’s standards on VAs and VASPs. The report highlights that **75% of jurisdictions, based on 98 FATF mutual evaluation and follow-up reports, are only partially ...
FATF Plenary Outcomes, Mutual Evaluation of Luxembourg, High-Risk Jurisdictions ...
ID 23851
The third Plenary of the FATF was held under the Presidency of T. Raja Kumar of Singapore ...
The third Plenary of the FATF was held under the Presidency of T. Raja Kumar of Singapore in Paris. Delegates from over 200 jurisdictions and international organizations participated in the discussions. The importance of a global response to combat money laundering, financing of terrorism, and proliferation was emphasized. The FATF expressed its condolences to Ukraine for the loss of life and infrastructure caused by ...
Consolidated assessment ratings – Mutual Evaluation & Follow-Up Reports ...
ID 23815
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together ...
The FATF has published its latest updates to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with the publications of Mutual Evaluation & Follow-Up Reports of Albania, Angola, Madagascar, Mexico, Qatar and Seychelles on progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an **up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical compliance with the FATF ...
Consolidated assessment ratings – Indonesia’s measures to combat money ...
ID 23027
On 27 April 2023, the FATF has published its latest update to its Consolidated assessment ...
On 27 April 2023, the FATF has published its latest update to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with the publication of the Mutual Evaluation Report on Indonesia’s measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing on progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. CONSOLIDATED ASSESSMENT RATINGS The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning ...
Consolidated assessment ratings – Venezuela’s measures to combat money ...
ID 22641
On 20 February 2023, the FATF has published its latest update to its Consolidated assessme ...
On 20 February 2023, the FATF has published its latest update to its Consolidated assessment ratings together with the publication of the Mutual Evaluation Report of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. CONSOLIDATED ASSESSMENT RATINGS The updated Consolidated assessment ratings provide an up-to-date overview of all assessed countries concerning the effectiveness and technical ...
Countering Ransomware Financing
ID 22265
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has published a new Countering Ransomware Financing ...
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has published a new Countering Ransomware Financing report, highlighting the dramatic increase in financial flows related to ransomware attacks in recent years. The increase in such attacks is due to new techniques, such as targeting large, high-value entities and ransomware as a service. The report emphasizes the dire consequences of ransomware attacks, including damage and disruption to critical ...