Consob has published a note regarding regulatory simplification of prospectus information, by consolidating its communications on the subject into a single document.
The aim of this initiative is to make it easier to comply with the European regulations introduced by the Prospectus Regulation (EU Regulation 2017/1129), which sets out the requirements for the preparation, approval, and dissemination of prospectuses to be published for public offers of securities or their admission to trading.
In order to achieve this goal, Consob has consolidated and organized its various communications over time into a single document, eliminating redundancies resulting from the layering of rules over the years. This is part of an effort to rationalize previous Consob communications and recommendations and to simplify and promote good practices in the application of prospectus regulations.
Recent amendments to the Prospectus Regulation, subsequent EU Delegated Regulations (DelReg (EU) 2019/979, DelReg (EU) 2019/980) and ESMA Peer review report of the scrutiny and approval procedures of prospectuses by competent authorities (ESMA42-111-7170) have also been taken into account, as well as amendments to the Regulation on Issuers (Regolamento Emittenti), with particular attention to the pre-filing procedure, which allows issuers to explain to Consob all specific aspects of the transaction before requesting approval of the documents (see eventid=17296).