The Financial Data Exchange (FinDatEx) platform has published a revised version of the European ESG Template (EET V1.1.2) of the dedicated working group to implement the following minor amendments – as quoted:
– typo corrections,
– transition from M/C to O of transitional scope 1, 2 data fields, and
– two new data fields 103 (Frequency of providing information on PAI) and 616 (Snapshot list of invested countries in the sovereign sub part of the portfolio).
According to FinDatEx, major amendments to the EET, like „removing unused columns, clarifying the use of the section on exclusions, and increasing the readability of the template by restructuring the data fields“ have been postponed. This decision was made as the adoption of the revised SFDR RTS as delegated legislation by the EC and the further procedure is currently not clear.