On 7 February 2023, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) issued a press release, informing about the upcoming International Conference on Sustainability Disclosure in the form of a hybrid seminar (onsite and webinar).
As capital markets are giving more attention than ever to sustainability information vis-à-vis value creation of the entity. Responding to such needs, tremendous efforts have been made towards developing sustainability disclosure standards by various standard setters and jurisdictions around the world.
In this context, G7 and G20 leaders have continuously expressed their support of the work by International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) to set a global baseline of sustainability disclosure, and the ISSB plans to finalize its first set of standards, the General Requirements for Disclosures and Climate-related Disclosures, in the first half of 2023.
This is why on Friday, 3 March 2023, between 14:30-17:30 (Japan Standard Time), the FSA will host the International Conference on Sustainability Disclosure at the Otemachi Financial City Conference Center. This conference brings together companies, investors, market participants, stock exchanges, audit firms, standard-setters, regulators and policy makers to exchange views on jurisdictional approaches and the progress towards a global baseline thus far as well as next priority topics beyond climate.
Approximately 200 people in-person are expected. The conference language is English/Japanese with simultaneous interpretation.
Notable speakers:
– Erkki Liikanen (Chair, the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation)
– Jean-Paul Servais (Chair, the International Organization of Securities Commissions Board)
– Ugo Bassi (Director, Financial Markets, DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Comission)
– Paul Munter (Chief Accountant, the US Securities and Exchange Commission)
– Takashi Nagaoka (Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs, the Financial Services Agency, Japan)
– Emmanuel Faber (Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board)
– Danae Kyriakopoulou (Distinguished Policy Fellow, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science)
– Eugene Wong (CEO, Sustainable Finance Institute Asia)
– Miyuki Zeniya (Group Chief Sustainability Officer, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group & Chief Sustainability Officer, MUFG Bank)
– Yukari Takamura (Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo)
For more details on this event, please visit the dedicated conference website.
You can also directly register by clicking here.