
International,Renewal of Dedicated Website for International Financial Center

ID 22311

The FSA informs about the creation of a new and dedicated International Financial Center Website (in English and Japanese) in order to support businesses in Japan’s financial markets and make Japan a bigger international finance hub in Asia and the world.
Back in 2020, the FSA published a PDF on its New Economic Measures, writing about the plan to make Japan an attractive place for foreign nationals to conduct asset management businesses by removing regulatory and taxation bottlenecks, enhancing financial and capital markets, and carrying out corporate governance reform. They will collaborate with the national government, local governments, and private sector to provide support, make English communication available, relax requirements for obtaining status of residence, and enhance information sharing. Initiatives include preparing a special provision, revising the Corporate Governance Code, establishing a support network, promoting the availability of financial administrative services in English, and broadening the scope of borrowers subject to financing. Later, in 2022, the FSA published PDF covering its International Financial Center Initiatives.
Of special interest in the new 2023 website is the section on Business Opportunities, divided into two separate sections:
Opportunities for Investment Activities
This section informs about the Japan Exchange Group (JPX) being focused on becoming a pivotal global market while improving convenience for overseas investors. Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), a major JPX market, has implemented initiatives to enhance corporate values, including higher levels of corporate governance and disclosure in English. TSE lists 276 ETFs, and private market investments, including private equity and start-up investments, are rapidly increasing in Japan.
Opportunities for Asset Raising & Sales Activities
This section notes Japan’s notable rise in assets under management, including individual financial assets, which present a significant opportunity. Institutional investors in Japan are also changing their asset compositions, with the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) expanding investments in alternative assets. Overseas asset management firms can now enter the Japanese market by registering in English. Starting July 2022, the requirements for individuals to become professional investors will become more flexible, making it easier to solicit individual investors.

Other Features
capital management companies
fund management
investment firms
pension funds
private equity
professional investor
retail investors
Date Published: 2023-03-16
Regulatory Framework: not applicable
Regulatory Type: information
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