
The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has published a new statistical notice to inform of an upcoming change to the Bank of England’s statistical reporting websites. The changes being made are part of the joint transformation program of the BoE and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to improve data collection from the UK financial sector. The aim is to reduce the burden on firms and provide a better user experience.
Specific improvements include a more logical structure, clearer headings, and new useful content on the main statistical reporting webpage. Additionally, dedicated pages for Form DQ and Form BT are being created to present critical information that users have identified as necessary. The focus is initially only on those two forms to monitor user acceptance and friendliness, before additional forms will be considered for own dedicated pages.
Users will have the opportunity to provide feedback through a feedback survey that will be launched when the new pages are live. The survey will be accessible through the pages, and all users are encouraged to participate between July 31 and September 4, 2023. Positive feedback will support the business case for expanding the design improvements to all statistical returns and potentially exploring further enhancements in the future.

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building societies
Date Published: 2023-07-21
Regulatory Framework: BoE Reporting Framework
Regulatory Type: information

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