The Bank of England (BoE) has published a Statistical Notice (2023/08) to inform of an upcoming opportunity to test Form IPA submissions from October 30 to November 24, 2023 in the BEEDS UAT environment. This marks the final UAT testing period for Form IPA reporters before the new collection template becomes operational in December 2023. Form IPA request data on the volume of outstanding, issued, and repaid debt by financial institutions in the past reporting period (the previous month).
According to the BoE, there’s no need to request access, as accounts and returns will automatically be generated for all existing statistical and Form IPA reporters. Testers should be aware though that rule boe_IP_v0031 will be deactivated in Form IPA, and this change will be implemented in the UAT environment during this testing phase.
After the initial IPA UAT window, the „known issues log will be updated in due course: this will include information for rule boe_IP_v0018“. For additional details, Form IPA reporting firms should consult this log.