Events listed in [BI] Central Bank of Italy

Asset Management

Orientamenti di vigilanza della Banca d’Italia in materia di fornitori ...

ID 23297
The Bank of Italy has launched a public consultation on the new supervisory guidelines for specialized crowdfunding service providers. The guidelines indicate the Bank of Italy’s expectations on how these providers should comply with the provisions on corporate governance, internal controls, suitability assessment of executives, and due diligence on project owners contained in Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 (ECSPR) and the related delegated regulations, taking into ...
Asset Management
report / study

The Bank of Italy today publishes ‚Investor behavior under market stress: ...

ID 23211
The Bank of Italy has released the new issue of the series “Markets, infrastructures, payment systems“, titled “Investor behavior under market stress: evidence from the Italian sovereign bond market“. This report examines the reactions of different types of investors in Italian government bonds to changes in past yields and sheds light on the involvement of non-banks alongside banks. The analysis spans **from 2014 to ...
Asset Management

Compliance with Guidelines on standard forms, formats and templates to apply for ...

ID 23131
The Bank of Italy and Consob have adopted ESMA’s Guidelines on standard forms, formats and templates to apply for permission to operate a DLT market infrastructure (ESMA70-460-213) into their supervisory practices. The Bank of Italy and Consob are complying with guidelines issued by the ESMA 8 March 2023, regarding the standard forms, formats, and templates for applying for permission **to operate a distributed ledger ...
Asset Management

Istruzioni di Banca d’Italia, COVIP, IVASS e MEF per l’esercizio di ...

ID 23052
The Bank of Italy, COVIP, IVASS, and MEF have launched a public consultation on a draft instruction document for carrying out enhanced checks on the activities of a wide range of intermediaries to counter the financing of companies involved in the production and marketing of anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions and submunitions, in accordance with the provisions of the Law of 9 December 2021, n. ...
Asset Management
conference / webinar

Workshop „Nuovi scenari AML – La Banca d’Italia incontra il ...

ID 22881
The Bank of Italy reported on the outcomes of the workshop „New AML Scenarios – The Bank of Italy Meets the Market.“ Representatives from the Bank of Italy, Financial Intelligence Unit, and financial industry gathered to discuss the challenges posed by developments in Anti-Money Laundering policies, risks, and supervision. The discussions were based on the evolution of the AML regulatory framework and institutional convergence ...
Asset Management

Guidelines on revolving credit

ID 22863
The Bank of Italy has released Supervisory Guidelines on Revolving Credit, with the aim of drawing banks‘ attention to the main issues in this sector in terms of focusing on customer relations and fair practices for consumers. The Bank of Italy has identified inconsistencies in interpreting certain regulatory provisions, governance and product control issues, weaknesses in the offering and placement of revolving credit, and ...
Asset Management

Esiti dell’indagine campionaria per l’analisi dei rischi di riciclaggio ...

ID 22762
The Bank of Italy has published the results of the sample survey they conducted for the analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing risks and presents the next steps. Last autumn, the Bank of Italy conducted a sample survey based on a questionnaire administered to over 600 intermediaries to gather information of money laundering and analyse terrorism financing risks. This is **consistent with the ...
Asset Management
report / study

The second Annual Report on Sustainable Investments and Climate Risks is published ...

ID 22564
The Bank of Italy has published its second Annual Report on sustainable investments and climate-related risks. The report is released contemporaneously with similar documents from the ECB and other central banks of the Eurosystem, sharing a common reporting model that follows the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The Bank of Italy has been incorporating financial and sustainability criteria into ...
Asset Management

Orientamenti sugli scenari delle prove di stress ai sensi del regolamento sui fondi ...

ID 22494
The Bank of Italy announces in its notice of intension that it will comply with the revised ESMA Guidelines (ESMA34-49-495) on stress test scenarios under the Money Market Funds Regulation (MMFR), which apply from 27 March 2023. These Guidelines provide common reference parameters for stress test scenarios for money market funds (MMFs) and managers of MMFs as defined in MMFR. They are expected to ...
Asset Management

Our Strategic Plan for 2023-25

ID 21398
The Bank of Italy has published its Strategic Plan for the 2023-2025 period, outlining five strategic objectives to be achieved through 17 action plans. These objectives include – strengthening the stability and safety of the financial system, – promoting innovation in economics and finance, – protecting bank and financial service customers, – promoting energy transition and protecting the environment, and – improving the organization’s ...
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