Events listed in [CONSOB] Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa

Delibera n. 22802, determinazione per le dichiarazioni non finanziarie pubblicate ...

ID 24855
With resolution no. 22802 of 6 September 2023, the Consob has established criteria for evaluating non-financial information (NFI) to identify the group of entities whose 2023 non-financial statements will be subject to scrutiny. Article 6 of the [Consob Regulation n. 20267 of 18 january 2018]( on the Disclosure of Non-Financial Information defines parameters indicati ...

Prospetti informativi: dal Comi via libera alle nuove linee guida – Documenti ...

ID 24408
On 28 July 2023, Consob published new guidelines for simplifying the informative prospectuses created by Comi, the Committee of market operators and investors established by Consob itself. The analysis compares the length of prospectuses and the treatment of economic-financial information in Italy, France, and the Netherlands. Italian prospectuses tend to be longer, thus the comparison reveals a need for simplification and revision in certain ...

Regolamento sull’emissione e circolazione in forma digitale di strumenti finanziari ...

ID 24123
The Consob has initiated a 30-day public consultation with the market on the Regulation concerning the „Fintech decree“. The FinTech decree introduced a new form and circulation regime for certain financial instruments, recognising the possibility of using DLT for their issuance and transfer, please note also EventID#21152. The FinTech decree represents the necessary national complement to the European Pilot Regime Regulation. However, the use ...

Abuso di mercato, il 18 luglio un open day sulle nuove modalità di segnalazione

ID 24110
Starting from 4 September 2023, reports of suspicious market abuse as regulated by Article 16 of the MAR Regulation (Stor, Suspicious Transaction and Order Report) can only be submitted to Consob through a new dedicated web application. This application will be available by accessing the „Services for Operators / Compliance / Markets“ section of the Consob website. In the same section under this link, ...

Guida Operativa CONSOB in materia di Algo trading e HFT: Definizione e Obblighi ...

ID 23846
Consob has published new guidance on „Algo-trading and HFT“ addressed to „investment firms and banks engaged in algorithmic trading or high-frequency trading (HFT) activities as well as entities referred to in Article 67-ter (8) of the TUF. Algorithmic trading, as defined by the TUF, refers to the trading of financial instruments where a computer algorithm automatically determines the individual parameters of orders (such as ...

Regolamento Mercati, Consob apre una consultazione pubblica sull’adeguamento ...

ID 23772
Consob has launched a public consultation on amendments to the Consob Resolution No. 20249 of 28 December 2017 („Markets Regulation“) aimed at aligning the secondary legislation with recent European reforms related to: – Regulation (EU) 2019/2175, which amends Regulation (EU) No. 600/2014 (MiFIR) and transfers the authorization and supervision of data reporting services related to financial market transactions to ESMA. – Directive (EU) 2021/338, ...

Delibera n. 22728, determinazione per l’anno 2023 dei parametri previsti ...

ID 23640
The Consob has released Resolution No. 22728. It pertains to the parameters for the year 2023 as specified in Article 89-quater of the Issuers Regulation and subsequent amendments, and outlines the criteria for monitoring and controlling information disclosed by listed companies and issuers in Italy. The determination considers various factors such as **financial data, reports from control bodies and auditors, trading activity, and significant ...

Avviso Consob del 5 giugno 2023 in merito agli Orientamenti emanati dall’ESMA ...

ID 23587
The Consob has informed ESMA to comply with and implement the Guidelines of the European Authority on certain aspects of the MiFID II remuneration requirements, that were published in their official translation on the ESMA website on 3 April 2023. The ESMA Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II remuneration requirements provide operational guidance on the remuneration policies and practices of intermediaries within ...

Adozione del Regolamento Consob in materia di fornitori di servizi di crowdfunding ...

ID 23568
The Consob has published a press release stating that, following a market consultation, it has, in collaboration with the Bank of Italy, adopted a Regulation on crowdfunding services for businesses, as required by article 4-sexies.1, comma 9, of the TUF (please see EventID#21655). The adoption of this Regulation completes the process of aligning national legislation with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 and its ...

Delibera n. 22721, modifiche al Regolamento di attuazione dell’art. 32-ter, ...

ID 23527
Concurrently to Resolution Consob No. 22720 (see Event 21655), Consob Resolution No. 22721 of 1 June 2023 was published, introducing modifications to the implementing regulation of Article 32-ter, paragraph 2, of the TUF, which concerns the Financial Dispute Arbitrator (ACF). The modifications aim to confirm the ACF’s jurisdiction over disputes between investors and crowdfunding service providers. This confirmation became necessary due to the repeal ...
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