Events listed in [OCC] Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Branches and Relocations: Revised Comptroller’s Licensing Manual Booklet

ID 21520
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, OCC, has published an updated version of its Licensing Manual: Branches and Relocations. The Manual sets out the notification and application requirements of (foreign) national banks and savings associations seeking to relocate or establish a branch or to move a head office to a different location. The Manual thereby describes the – content, form, and timing ...

Civil Money Penalties: Notice Adjusting Maximum Civil Money Penalties for 2023

ID 21486
On January 17, 2023, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) announced the annual inflation adjustment to the civil money penalty amounts for conduct violations of all types of supervised banking institutions, including branches of foreign national banks, and federal saving associations. The amount is determined by the number of violations and the type of violation. The detailed table outlining the monetary ...

Fair Lending: Revised Comptroller’s Handbook Booklet and Rescissions

ID 21430
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has published a revised version of its „Fair Lending“ booklet. This booklet focuses on the factors that shall be considered and incorporated in the supervisory practices of supervising staff members when monitoring or examining the lending practices of OCC supervised institutions. It thereby specifies the supervisory process and methods themselves, outlines requirements pertaining to the ...

OCC Issues Annual Report for 2022

ID 21371
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has published its Annual Report 2022 which primarily informs of the current condition of the federal banking system, the key priorities of the regulator for both the past reporting period and the upcoming one, and of the key actions taken by the regulator to accomplish its goals. As far as the condition of the banking ...
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