The European Commission (EC) has published an updated consolidated version of its „FAQs on the implementation of Council Regulation No 833/2014 and Council Regulation No 269/2014“ in the light of the on going conflict in Ukraine. The consolidated version includes FAQs concerning EU sanctions „adopted following Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine“.
The update includes the following changes in section D „TRADE AND CUSTOMS“, topic 2 „EXPORT-RELATED RESTRICTIONS FOR DUAL-USE GOODS AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES“ on page 135, which we would like to present in full, quote:
Question 43: Does the Sanctions Regulation affect the export of controlled goods shipped in transit through Russia by land to third countries?
Answer: Yes. Article 2 of the Sanctions Regulation prohibits the transit via the territory of Russia of dual-use goods and technology exported from the Union.
*CORRELATION TABLE (ANNEX VII) – Annex VII of Regulation (EU) 833/2014 – Advanced Technology Items on page 143 was adapted and should be analysed in more detail if necessary.