
Methods of transmitting reports via S3 Application Programming Interface – Technical guidance

ID 24682

This document provides technical guidance on transmitting reports via the S3 API. The guidance outlines the technical aspects of S3 reporting and emphasizes the importance of proper setup and testing before production submissions. The primary objective is to offer comprehensive information on the S3 system reporting.
#### S3 System Reporting Technical Specifications
The process for submitting a report via the S3 system involves three key steps: (a) File collection through S3 system; (b) Formal verification of the uploaded reporting file; and (c) Sending feedback (positive or negative). The S3 solution is utilized for file exchange and is based on object storage, storing data as objects within buckets. An entity is associated with one bucket, divided into „submission“ and „feedback“ folders. To access the S3 system, an enrollment process through eDesk is mandatory, involving the creation of an „Advanced user“ who can designate an „IT Expert“ responsible for S3 access management. The IT Expert obtains S3 credentials from the eDesk IT management console and can access the S3 module through S3 compatible transfer clients.
#### Reporting Entities Obligations
Entities are advised to review and validate reporting files before submission. They must analyze feedback files, correct any rejected data, and resubmit as necessary.
#### Testing with the CSSF
CSSF offers connectivity checks and a dedicated testing environment for entities to test reporting file submissions before going live. The „IT Expert“ can create access on the „Echo“ bucket for testing purposes. Successful connectivity results in a dummy feedback file in the „feedback“ folder. Contact if issues arise.
#### Questions & Answers
The last chapter of the present guidance represents a set of FAQs, whose questions we would like to present here in full, together with a brief summary of the answer:
1. Question: Is a LuxTrust certificate mandatory for using eDesk?
A LuxTrust certificate is mandatory for using eDesk.
2. Question: Who can grant the „IT Expert“ role to a user within my entity?
The „IT Expert“ role can be granted by the „Advanced User“ within the entity.
3. Question: What is the role of the „IT Expert“?
The „IT Expert“ manages S3 API access and keys for report data submission.
4. Question: Is it possible to share S3 credentials externally?
Sharing S3 credentials externally is the entity’s responsibility.
5. Question: How might we parameter the S3 protocol?
S3 protocol can be used via various applications or client libraries.
6. Question: Is S3 similar to a SFTP solution?
S3 is similar to SFTP but based on „https“ standards.
7. Question: What is the “ECHO” service?
The „Echo“ service is for checking connectivity with dummy files and feedbacks.
8. Question: Can you please explain how to set up an S3 compatible
transfer client?

S3 transfer clients require specific configuration.
9. Question: My entity did choose to configure an S3 transfer client.
However, I am not seeing any „submission“ folder in my S3
bucket. What should I do?

The „submission“ folder must be created by the IT Expert.
10. Question: Is the S3 protocol linked to a commercial cloud provider?
S3 protocol is independent of commercial cloud providers.
11. Question: What is the retention period for files in the bucket?
Files in the „submission“ and „feedback“ folders are deleted by CSSF after 20 days.

Other Features
building societies
capital management companies
cyber security
data protection
digital assets
due diligence
fund management
investment firms
payment services
pension funds
supervisory practices
Date Published: 2023-08-21
Regulatory Framework: Law on the financial sector (LFS), Law of 23 December 1998
Regulatory Type: procedure

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