Events listed in [CSSF] Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier

FAQ CSSF – Questions/Réponses relatives à la loi du 17 décembre 2010 ...

ID 26585
The CSSF FAQ – LAW OF 17 DECEMBER 2010 and contains information related to the Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment (UCI Law). It includes updates and modifications made to the FAQ over time, with this version 17 published on 28 December 2023. The document covers various topics such as the eligibility of investments in the 10% limit of ...

FAQ concerning the Luxembourg Law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund ...

ID 26582
CSSF FAQ – LUXEMBOURG LAW OF 12 JULY 2013 ON ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT FUND MANAGERS in its 21st version addresses various aspects of the Luxembourg Law of 12 July 2013 on AIFMs. The document covers transitional provisions, scope of authorized activities of AIFMs, depositary aspects, reporting requirements, impact of the PRIIPs Regulation, and other regulatory considerations. **The transitional provisions applicable to AIFMs and AIFs are ...

Circulaire CSSF-CPDI 23/39

ID 26572
Circular CSSF-CPDI 23/39, serves the purpose of conducting a routine survey on deposits, with a specific focus on covered deposits. The survey is relevant to credit institutions incorporated under Luxembourg law, POST Luxembourg providing postal financial services, and Luxembourg branches of credit institutions based in third countries as of 31 December 2023. The data collected will facilitate the CPDI in determining contributions outlined in ...

CSSF FAQ regarding the AML/CFT Market Entry Form (Funds and IFMs) – Updated ...

ID 26456
The CSSF has published an update of its FAQ that includes detailed guidance on the completion of the AML/CFT Market Entry Form in eDesk. The information provided serves as a comprehensive guide for entities seeking authorization or registration with the CSSF in Luxembourg, offering detailed instructions on the completion of the AML/CFT Market Entry Form and the associated requirements and procedures. The FAQ outlines ...

FAQ Virtual Assets – Undertakings for collective investment (Updated on 18.12.2023)

ID 26361
Th CSSF published an update to its FAQ Virtual Assets – Undertakings for collective investment. The FAQ covers the regulatory framework for investment in virtual assets by UCITS and AIFs in Luxembourg. It outlines the restrictions on UCITS and the conditions under which AIFs may invest in virtual assets. The document also details the authorization requirements for investment fund managers, considerations for mitigating money ...

Request for a European Long-Term Investment Fund (ELTIF)

ID 26316
The CSSF informs regarding the Request for a European Long-Term Investment Fund (ELTIF). This communication is in response to the amended Regulation (EU) 2015/760 on ELTIFs, specifically modified by Regulation (EU) 2023/606 on 15 March 2023, referred to as the „revised ELTIF Regulation.“ The Revised ELTIF Regulation introduces significant innovations compared to its predecessor and is available for detailed reference. It was officially published ...

The CSSF’s approach to the execution of the write-down and conversion of capital ...

ID 26233
The document titled „The CSSFs approach to the execution of the write-down and conversion of capital instruments and bail-inable liabilities in resolution“ outlines the approach of the CSSF as the Luxembourg resolution authority (RA) to the operational steps necessary to execute the write-down and conversion of relevant capital instruments or the use of the bail-in tool. It is published in compliance with the Guidelines ...

UCITS marketing notifications – Guidelines on cross-border marketing ...

ID 26226
Following the previous communication by the CSSF on 15 November 2023 (see eventid=23993), in which the CSSF reminded of its CSSF Circular 22/810 on 12 May 2022 which informed Luxembourg UCITS of the upcoming changes to the marketing notification and de-notification procedures for shares in another Member State, the CSSF published a new communication, informing concerned supervised entities that **a new version of the ...

Circulaire CSSF 23/846

ID 26033
This circular serves to notify financial and non-financial counterparties to derivatives falling under Articles 2(8) and 2(9) of EMIR, where the CSSF acts as the competent authority as per Article 1(2) of the EMIR Law, that the CSSF applies the ESMA Guidelines on reporting under EMIR (ESMA74-362-2281), published on 23 October 2023. The CSSF, in its capacity as the competent authority, therefore **officially adopts ...


ID 26022
The CSSF has updated its FAQ on the submission of closing documents and financial information by investment funds. The FAQ provides detailed guidance on the procedures for electronic transmission of documents to the CSSF using a secure infrastructure. It outlines the specific documents to be submitted based on the manager’s authorization, the required format, nomenclature, and deadlines for submission. The document also specifies the ...
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