Events listed in conference / webinar

Asset Management
conference / webinar

Workshop „Nuovi scenari AML – La Banca d’Italia incontra il ...

ID 22881
The Bank of Italy reported on the outcomes of the workshop „New AML Scenarios – The Bank of Italy Meets the Market.“ Representatives from the Bank of Italy, Financial Intelligence Unit, and financial industry gathered to discuss the challenges posed by developments in Anti-Money Laundering policies, risks, and supervision. The discussions were based on the evolution of the AML regulatory framework and institutional convergence ...
Asset Management
conference / webinar

Assemblée Générale de l’IRE – A distance le 6 juin 2023

ID 22862
The annual general meeting of the IRE will take place on Tuesday, 6 June 2023 at 4:00 pm on the online LUMI Global platform. An invitation will be sent via post in due course, and the information necessary to join the meeting online will be provided via email to the email address listed on the IRE website’s homepage. In the event that the quorum ...

BaFinTech 2023: Anmeldung bis zum 16. Mai möglich

ID 22851
In einer Publikation zum Thema „Fintech“ informiert die BaFin, dass die fünfte BaFinTech-Konferenz am 19. und 20. September 2023 im Westhafen Event & Convention Center (WECC) in Berlin stattfinden wird. Interessierte können sich ab sofort für die Veranstaltung anmelden, die sich auf die Digitalisierung der Finanzindustrie und finanztechnologische Innovationen konzentriert. Fachleute der BaFin und Bundesbank sowie externe Experten werden in verschiedenen Konfe ...
Asset Management
conference / webinar

OCC Opens Registration for Community Bank Director and Senior Management Workshops

ID 22717
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has published a press statement to announce its 2023 schedule of workshops for board directors and senior management of national (community) banks and federal savings associations. The schedule encompasses the following five workshops (as quoted): (1) Risk Governance Workshop (1 day workshop or 3-hour virtual workshop) which aims to bring about the following outcomes: – ...

RSA Conference 2023

ID 22677
Das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) berichtet über einen geplanten Vortrag zum Thema „Supply Chain Security and CSAF“, den der BSI-Vertreter auf der RSA-Konferenz am 26. April 2023 halten wird. Eine dazugehörige Präsentation „Secure Supply Chain through Automation – with CSAF, VEX and SBOM“ macht deutlich, dass die Sicherheit der Lieferkette gewährleistet werden muss, behandelt die Bedeutung der Sicherheit von Lieferkett ...
Asset Management
conference / webinar

SEC to Host Municipal Securities Disclosure Conference

ID 22606
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, has published a press release to inform of an upcoming conference for issuers and investors in municipal securities. The conference will be held in hybrid form with both in-person and virtual participation at the SEC’s headquarters. Registration was launched on March 31, 2023. The conference will focus around the following key disclosure topics – as quoted: – ...
Asset Management
conference / webinar

The FSA to host „G7 Cybersecurity Seminar 2023“

ID 22327
The Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan has announced that it will be hosting the hybrid G7 Cybersecurity Seminar 2023 to discuss the mitigation of cyber risks faced by financial institutions. The seminar will invite foreign and domestic governments and financial institutions to participate in an active discussion on the issue, which has become a globally significant concern. Indeed, Cybersecurity risks faced by financial ...
Asset Management
conference / webinar

Wealth summit to be held

ID 22145
The Hong Kong Government has published a press statement to announce an upcoming Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit on March 24, 2023 at the Hong Kong Palace Museum. The summit is addressed at family offices and asset managers and will cover the following four topics – as quoted: (a) Wealth for Tech: Hong Kong’s financing capability to empower the next generation of ...

EFRAG releases its summary report on the conference „Where is Corporate ...

ID 21890
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has released a summary report on the conference titled „Where is Corporate Reporting heading?“ that was held on December 7, 2022 in Brussels. The event focused on discussing „new trends in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting and the growing importance of the connectivity between sustainability and financial reporting“. The report summarises the key points presented by ...
Asset Management
conference / webinar

FSA will host „International Conference on Sustainability Disclosure“.

ID 21762
On 7 February 2023, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) issued a press release, informing about the upcoming International Conference on Sustainability Disclosure in the form of a hybrid seminar (onsite and webinar). As capital markets are giving more attention than ever to sustainability information vis-à-vis value creation of the entity. Responding to such needs, tremendous efforts have been made towards developing sustainability disclosure standards ...
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