A new version of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance was published on Hong Kong e-Legislation, the official platform of the Hong Kong government for publicizing legal documents. The new version contains amendments the following parts and schedule:
– Part 5B – Regulation of Activities Involving Virtual Assets: As our text comparison tool shows, only some editorial changes have been made to the Chinese version and a previously omitted provision was added on page 68 under point (4) which states that „The license of a licensed [virtual asset] provider is deemed to be revoked if the licensed provider is wound up, deregistered, struck off the register of companies or otherwise dissolved“.
– Part 8 – Consequential and Related Amendments was removed altogether.
– Schedule 1 – Interpretation: This schedule, too, only contains editorial changes to the Chinese version that do not change the regulatory content of the schedule.