As previously announced by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, CFTC, the Commission has now published in the Federal Register its final note to extend the comment period on a proposed rule amendment to 17 CFR Part 39, §39.13. To recall, the CFTC seeks to implement previously issued no-action relief as regards the „Treatment of Separate Accounts of a Single Customer by Clearing Members“ for purposes of initial margin withdrawals (§39.13 (g) 8 iii) (please see EventID 20672 for a detailed description of the proposed amendment). The original consultation ran from April 14, 2023 through June 13, 2023.
Specifically, in response to a request by a commenter to permit extra time for analyzing the impacts of the rule amendment, the CFTC is now extending the consultation phase up to June 30, 2023.