The CSSF has previously published Circular CSSF 22/811 (the „UCIA Circular“), which introduced new annual reporting for UCI administrators to strengthen the CSSF’s risk-based supervision.
Indeed, UCIAs must file information regarding its business activities and resources as detailed in Annex B of the UCIA Circular, at the latest 5 months after its financial year-end, starting from 30 June 2023. For example, a UCIA with a financial year ending on 30 June 2023 should first report the requested information no later than 30 November 2023. A UCIA with a financial year ending on 31 December 2023 should provide the CSSF with the UCIA reporting no later than 31 May 2024.
The UCIA annual reporting can be submitted to the CSSF via the CSSF eDesk platform, in the section “UCI Administrator Reporting Tool”. A user guide on eDesk authentication and user account management is available on the eDesk homepage. Alternatively, a solution based on the submission of a structured file through S3 protocol is also available. This solution allows for automation by UCIAs and, if needed, testing of the reporting file submission before going into production.
A dedicated UCI Administrator Annual Reporting – Practical and technical guidance has therefore been published. This document offers practical and technical guidance for UCI Administrator Annual Reporting and outlines the reporting scope and CSSF expectations for submission. The technical section covers reporting system details, data format, and validation. Entities under Circular CSSF 22/811 must submit annual information on business activities and resources. This includes management companies, alternative investment fund managers, and others. Two annexes provide additional information on data collection and codes for closed questions in the report.
It is important to note that the UCIA reporting applies only to entities performing UCI administration function(s) and which are in scope of the UCIA Circular. For any questions regarding authentication or account creation, or for any questions relating to the circular or the reporting tool, the following email address is available: