Events listed in [BEAMA] Belgian Asset Managers Association

Asset Management
conference / webinar

Nouvelle formation sur les fonds d’investissement

ID 25249
BEAMA, in collaboration with Febelfin Academy, is committed to supporting a robust and healthy asset management sector, particularly focusing on competent professionals. To achieve this, they have developed a one-day training program for professionals on the fundamentals of investment funds. This training covers key aspects, including the concept and types of investment funds, the fund’s ecosystem (organizational structure, governance, and parties involved), fund docume ...
Asset Management
conference / webinar

AGEFI AM Tech Day – 3 octobre 2023

ID 23653
The AM TECH DAY is a significant European event focused on the impact of technological innovations on the asset management industry. It features four stages for conferences, roundtable discussions, and workshops, as well as an exhibition space for partners. Additionally, there is a TV set and two video studios present. The event also includes the 8th edition of the AM TECH DAY AWARDS. Attending ...
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