Events listed in [DNB] Centralbank of the Netherlands

Ook collectieve waardeoverdrachten van verzekeraars en PPI’s nu digitaal te melden

ID 25277
DNB published news regarding the digitalization of the notification of group transfer of accrued benefits (CWOs). Starting from 9 October 2023, life insurance companies and premium pension institutions (PPIs) are required to report their intended CWOs through the Mijn DNB platform. This digitalization process simplifies the reporting procedure for insurers and PPIs, making internal handling more efficient and organized. It is now possible to ...

Berekening K-COH en K-DTF

ID 25271
DNB reports in its News section that the EBA has published a Q&A on the calculation of K-COH, relevant to K-DTF. Institutions must correctly report K-COH and K-DTF after calculating them. For investment firms not qualifying as a ’small and non-interconnected investment firm,‘ their own capital requirement is built on K-factors from the IFR. According to the recent EBA **Q&A that clarified the applicable ...

TRANSITIENIEUWS – Vierde uitvraag over de transitie naar het nieuwe pensioenstelsel

ID 25203
DNB has shared the fourth WTP (Wet Toezicht Pensioenfondsen) monitoring questionnaire with pension funds in the „My DNB“ environment, which was designed for faster and more transparent communication with DNB combining the Digital Supervision Portal (DLT) and Digital Reporting Portal (DLR). Pension funds can submit their answers via „My DNB“ by 3 November 2023. The questionnaire **regards the transition to a new pension scheme ...

DNB handhaaft de Contracyclische Kapitaalbuffer op 2 procent

ID 25148
On 31 May 2023, a decision was made to increase the CCyB to 2%, please also see EventID#23027. Banks in the Netherlands with outstanding loans were required to comply with this by 31 May 2024. Since this announcement, there hasn’t been a significant change in the risk environment, so there is no reason to change the previous decision to increase the CCyB. The **purpose ...

Aanlevering RSR voor verzekeraars boekjaar 2024

ID 25096
Every year, DNB determines how it complies with the legal requirement for submitting the RSR (Regular Supervisory Report) and its proportional application. 2023 is considered a gap year, meaning most insurers are not required to provide a full RSR. Under Solvency II regulations, insurers must submit a RSR to DNB at least once every three years, except when DNB specifies a different frequency. Larger ...

Reciprocering van de Noorse systeemrisicobuffer

ID 24756
In accordance with the recommendation of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) has decided to reciprocate a 4.5% systemic risk buffer (SyRB) for all exposures located in Norway. This decision came into effect on 29 August 2023. The ESRB recommended reciprocating the macroprudential measure of the Norwegian Ministry of Finance. DNB’s principle is to recognize and **apply macroprudential measures ...

Terugkoppeling onderzoek marktrisico handelaren eigen rekening

ID 24358
In mid-January 2023, DNB initiated an investigation into market risk among a group of supervised proprietary traders. The purpose of this inquiry was to gain an understanding of the reporting and risk management framework for market risk. While individual institutions will receive specific feedback, this sector-wide news update focuses on the general findings and areas of concern arising from the investigation. The research has ...
Asset Management

Prudentiele aandachtspunten bij aanvragen en in het doorlopend toezicht

ID 24115
The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) has issued a factsheet to provide further clarification on certain prudential considerations related to investment firms and investment management companies. This move is prompted by instances where prudential laws and regulations are not correctly interpreted in practice. Incorrect interpretations can result in delays or even jeopardize the issuance of licenses or no-objection certificates. Moreover, such misinterpretations may lead to ...

Rapportage concentratierisico

ID 24112
The Dutch Central Bank DNB published a notification to investment firms that do not qualify as „small and non-interconnected investment firms“ (class 2 investment firms). These firms are required to complete the „details on trading book exposures (IFREP tab 08.05). The DNB has observed that this tab is often left incomplete or filled out incorrectly. Therefore, DNB is providing guidance on how to correctly ...

Meldplicht deposito’s

ID 24031
The DNB provides information regarding various reporting obligations for deposits related to sanctions against Russia and Belarus. Banks are expected to take specific actions based on these requirements. Here are the key points: – Reporting Obligations for Deposits: Banks must comply with reporting obligations under Article 5 octies of Regulation 833/2014 (Russia) and Article 1 septvicies of Regulation 765/2006 (Belarus). The reporting obligations apply ...
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