Events listed in [DNB] Centralbank of the Netherlands

Meldingsprocedure EMIR clearingverplichting

ID 23710
The DNB published on 14 June 2023 this news article informing about the upcoming change and the notification procedure when a fund falls under the EMIR clearing obligation. Pursuant to the exemption provision in Article 89 of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), pension funds have been exempted from the requirement to centrally clear derivatives as specified in Article 4. This exemption ** expired ...

DNB verhoogt de contracyclische kapitaalbuffer (CCyB) van 1,0% naar 2,0%

ID 23475
The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) published a news release stating that it is increasing the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) from 1.0% to 2.0%. This requirement applies to all banks operating in the Netherlands, both domestic and foreign, with outstanding loans. This change will impose an additional capital charge of approximately €3.4 billion on the Dutch banking sector as a whole. **Banks must meet this ...

DNB publiceert aanpak voor toezicht op de beheersing van klimaat- en milieurisico’s

ID 22563
The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) has published a guide for the management of climate and environmental risks in the financial sector. This guide provides points of focus and „good practices“ for insurers, pension funds, investment firms, and electronic money and payment institutions to manage these risks effectively. The guide was developed with input from the financial sector and NGOs during a consultation process, see ...

DNB handhaaft de Contracyclische Kapitaalbuffer (CCyB) op 1 procent – maart 2023

ID 22537
The Centralbank of the Netherlands (DNB) has announced that it will leave the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) at 1%. The decision follows a careful analysis of economic conditions primarily influenced by the continuing political tensions and globally rising interest rates due to high inflation levels. „The purpose of the CCyB is to increase banks‘ resilience as cyclical systemic risks build up, and to release ...
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