EBA has launched a public consultation on two sets of guidelines aimed at enhancing intern ...
EBA has launched a public consultation on two sets of guidelines aimed at enhancing internal policies, procedures, and controls to ensure the implementation of Union and national restrictive measures. These measures, which encompass financial sanctions and embargoes, are binding on individuals and entities within Member States. The guidelines seek to establish a common understanding among PSPs, CASPs, and their supervisors, with the overarching goal ...
EBA has released draft ITS amending the ITS on disclosures and reporting on MREL and TLAC. ...
EBA has released draft ITS amending the ITS on disclosures and reporting on MREL and TLAC. These modifications, set to take effect from 30 June 2024, are in response to changes in the prudential framework, particularly the introduction of the ’daisy chain‘ framework. The ‚daisy chain‘ framework mandates entities not designated as resolution entities to deduct investments in eligible liabilities instruments issued by their ...
EBA published its Report on liquidity measures, assessing liquidity coverage requirements ...
EBA published its Report on liquidity measures, assessing liquidity coverage requirements in the EU. The report covers the period between June 2022 and June 2023, revealing a decline in the EU banks‘ LCR. While the LCR remained comfortably above the minimum requirement, it experienced a 3-percentage-point drop, ending at 163% as of June 2023. This decrease was attributed to fluctuations in the components of ...
EBA has updated its Guidelines on the specification and disclosure of systemic importance ...
EBA has updated its Guidelines on the specification and disclosure of systemic importance indicators. These guidelines are applicable to the largest institutions in the EU with a leverage ratio exposure measure exceeding EUR 200 billion. The update includes changes and clarifications related to indicators relevant for the identification process of G-SIIs. The guidelines aim to align with internationally agreed standards developed by the **BCBS ...
EBA released a comprehensive report following a simulation and analysis of the deposit cov ...
EBA released a comprehensive report following a simulation and analysis of the deposit coverage level, responding to a request from the EC. The focus of the analysis is on the current coverage level of EUR 100,000 across the EEA. The findings indicate that under the existing coverage, 96% of depositors are fully covered, ensuring they would be reimbursed the full amount of their deposits ...
EBA has issued final Guidelines on benchmarking of diversity practices, including diversit ...
EBA has issued final Guidelines on benchmarking of diversity practices, including diversity policies and gender pay gap under CRD and IFD and a Decision on supervisory reporting on diversity benchmarking. The guidelines aim to increase transparency, data quality, and awareness regarding diversity and gender equality within financial institutions. The scope includes institutions and investment firms that are obligated to furnish data on the diversity ...
EBA has issued an opinion and a report in response to the EC’s call for advice on gr ...
EBA has issued an opinion and a report in response to the EC’s call for advice on green loans and mortgages. In this response, the EBA proposes the introduction of a voluntary EU label for green loans, aiming to stimulate the market and contribute to the EU’s sustainability objectives. The proposed label would be based on a common EU definition and integrated into the ...
EBA has released its final Guidelines on the assessment of adequate knowledge and experien ...
EBA has released its final Guidelines on the assessment of adequate knowledge and experience of the management or administrative organ of a credit servicer as a whole, under NPLD. These guidelines were open for consultation in April 2023 (eventid=20693) and aim to ensure that the organs of a credit servicer are suitable to carry out their duties in a competent and responsible manner. The ...
EBA has published a roadmap outlining the implementation of the EU Banking Package, which ...
EBA has published a roadmap outlining the implementation of the EU Banking Package, which incorporates the final Basel III reforms in the EU. The roadmap aims to strengthen the prudential framework, ensure an international level playing field, and provide clarity to the industry on the development of mandates implementing the legislation. It also emphasizes the importance of a robust regulatory framework, efficient supervision, and ...
EBA has released a discussion paper outlining the development of the Pillar 3 data hub, a ...
EBA has released a discussion paper outlining the development of the Pillar 3 data hub, a central repository for prudential disclosures from institutions in the EEA. The hub aims to enhance transparency and comparability of banking data by providing a single access point for users. It will include visualisation and exploration tools for better analysis across institutions and disclosure periods. The EBA invites feedback ...