Events listed in [EBA] European Banking Authority

Asset Management

EBA seeks input from credit institutions on green loans and mortgages

ID 21859
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched an industry survey to receive input from credit institutions on their green loans and mortgages as well as market practices related to these loans. The consultation is part of the EBA’s efforts to support the European Union’s environmental objectives and ensure the consistency of the green lending market. EBA aims to collect quantitative and qualitative information to advise ...

EBA asks authorities to increase transparency on their approach to bail-in in case ...

ID 21854
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its final Guidelines addressed to resolution authorities for the publication of their approach to the bail-in tool implementation. Both the credibility of the resolution structure and the protection of investors depend on transparency and predictability. With the help of these Guidelines, officials will be able to write down and convert capital instruments as well as use the bail-in ...

EBA publishes new Q&As on Own Funds, Large Exposures and AML

ID 21845
The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published the following four new Q&As as regards issues relating to the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and the Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (4AMLD): + _ID: 20226379 - Interaction of Articles 36(1)(f) and 42 of CRR regarding equity-settled share-based payments How should be treated shares that are bought and specifically affected to hedge equity-settled share-based payments (payments in equity ...
Asset Management

EBA consults on the amending ITS on supervisory disclosures

ID 21777
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched a public consultation on its draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory disclosures. The revised draft of ITS includes the legal amendments made in the EU, particularly those concerning investment firms and supervisory reporting. The format, structure, contents list, and annual publication date of the supervisory information that competent authorities are required to disclose in accordance with Article ...
Asset Management

The European Supervisory Authorities meet stakeholders from across the financial ...

ID 21743
The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – ESAs) held a joint public event in the format of a technical discussion about the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) on 6 February 2023 with over 2000 participants. By assisting the supervisory community and the sector in reducing the risks and capturing the benefits of the digital transformation, notably through the implementation of the ...
Asset Management

EBA launches public consultation on the amending ITS on supervisory reporting to ...

ID 21662
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched a public consultation on its draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory reporting with respect to IRRBB. The consultation paper suggests updated, standardized reporting guidelines for the evaluation and oversight of Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB). Through these draft amending reporting ITS, which give supervisors the right information to monitor IRRBB risks like changes in ...
Asset Management

ESAs consult on draft Guidelines on the system for the exchange of information ...

ID 21659
The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – ESAs) published a consultation paper on draft joint Guidelines on the system for the exchange of information when assessing the fitness and propriety requirements. By harmonizing procedures and outlining how responsible authorities should utilize the information system created by the three ESAs, these Guidelines seek to improve the effectiveness of information transmission between sectoral ...
Asset Management

EBA launches 2023 EU-wide stress test

ID 21650
The EBA has started its 2023 EU-wide stress test and released the corresponding macroeconomic scenarios. This year, taking into account geopolitical tensions that caused a significant fall in GDP along with sustained inflation and a high interest rate, shows a breakdown of the shocks (on real gross value added) by economic sectors for the first time. In comparison to past years, a substantially bigger ...

EBA clarifies the application of strong customer authentication requirements to ...

ID 21646
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published three Q&As that, jointly with three other Q&As that the EBA had published previously, clarify comprehensively the application of strong customer authentication (SCA) to digital wallets under the revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2). The six Q&As provide clarification on how SCA is applied when a payment card is added to a digital wallet and when payment transactions are ...

EBA issues Opinion to the European Commission on the draft European Sustainability ...

ID 21598
The European Banking Authority, EBA, has published an opinion on the first set of draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS Set 1) developed by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) in response to the request of the European Commission (EC) and in accordance with the mandate set out in the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). In the EBA’s view, ESRS Set 1 generally ...
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