Events listed in [EBA] European Banking Authority

The EBA consults on draft technical standards on market and counterparty credit ...

ID 26276
EBA is consulting on two sets of draft RTS regarding market and counterparty credit risk as part of its roadmap for implementing the Banking Package in the EU. The amendments focus on the FRTB and the SA-CCR. These changes aim to align existing RTS with the CRR 3. The CRR 3 introduces alterations to the FRTB, and the EBA is mandated to amend the ...

The EBA consults on the amendments to the Pillar 3 disclosure and supervisory ...

ID 26256
EBA has initiated a public consultation on two sets of draft ITS amending Pillar 3 disclosures and supervisory reporting frameworks. These changes are part of the implementation of the Banking Package (CRR 3 and CRD 6) and are aligned with the Basel III reforms in the EU (please see EventID#24579). The amendments focus on areas such as **output floor, credit risk, immovable property losses, ...
Asset Management

EBA issues revised list of ITS validation rules

ID 26216
EBA has issued a revised list of validation rules in its ITS on supervisory reporting, thereby focusing on data fields that have been deactivated either for incorrectness or for triggering IT problems. Failure to comply with validation rules of type „error“ when submitting data to EBA will result in the file being rejected and thus the transmission not being processed. If reporting entities consider ...

The EU banking sector remains resilient despite pockets of risk stemming from the ...

ID 26215
EBA has released its annual risk assessment of the EU banking system, accompanied by the 2023 EU-wide transparency exercise. The report indicates the resilience of the EU banking sector post the March banking turmoil, with high capitalization, a strong CET1 ratio at 16%, and underlying profitability supporting bank payouts. Despite elevated interest rates contributing to widening interest margins, there are potential risks due to ...

The EBA consults on draft technical standards specifying the requirements for ...

ID 26126
EBA has issued a Consultation Paper presenting draft RTS defining the requirements for policies and procedures concerning conflicts of interest for issuers of ARTs under MiCA. The objective of these draft RTS is to enhance the governance of conflicts of interest by ART issuers and ensure uniformity in requirements across the EU. According to Article 32(1) MiCA, issuers of ARTs are obligated to establish ...

EBA issues Opinion on a measure to address macroprudential risk following a ...

ID 26010
EBA issued an Opinion in response to a notification by the Ministry of Business, Industry, and Financial Affairs of Denmark. The Ministry intended to apply Article 133 CRD to activate a new SyRB, introducing a 7% systemic risk buffer rate for certain exposure categories in Denmark, specifically targeting real estate activities and construction projects. The goal is to enhance banks‘ capacity to absorb unexpected ...

EBA consults on standards for assessing the materiality of extensions and changes ...

ID 26004
EBA has published draft RTS aimed at establishing criteria for evaluating the materiality of extensions and changes to the use of internal models. This also encompasses changes to the subset of modellable risk factors under the FRTB rules. These RTS are part of the Phase 4 deliverables outlined in the EBA roadmap for the development of new market and counterparty credit risk approaches. The ...

EBA issues guidance to AML/CFT supervisors of CASPs

ID 25956
EBA has published a final report on the extension of its risk-based AML/CFT supervision guidelines to include supervisors of CASPs and published a corrigendum on these guidelines, combined in a consolidated version. This move is crucial given the inherent high ML and TF risks associated with CASPs, which operate globally and often transcend traditional borders. The EBA’s decision is motivated by the recognition that ...
Asset Management

The EBA consults on new Guidelines on preventing the abuse of funds and certain ...

ID 25928
EBA initiated a public consultation on new Guidelines aimed at preventing the abuse of funds and certain crypto-assets transfers for ML/TF purposes. “The Travel Rule Guidelines“ outline the steps that various financial service providers, including PSPs, Intermediary PSPs, CASPs, and Intermediary CASPs, should take to detect missing or incomplete information accompanying fund or crypto-asset transfers. The Guidelines are part of an effort to establish ...

The EBA publishes final standards for Supervisors assessing new market risk ...

ID 25877
EBA released its final draft RTS outlining the assessment methodology for competent authorities to verify institutions‘ compliance with internal model requirements under the FRTB rules. This publication is part of the EBA’s roadmap on market risk and counterparty credit risk approaches. The draft RTS delineate a framework for competent authorities to assess compliance in three central themes: governance, internal risk-measurement model (covering expected shortfall ...
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