Events listed in [EBA] European Banking Authority

The EBA’s monitoring of IFRS 9 implementation by EU institutions confirms need to ...

ID 25856
EBA has issued its second report on the implementation of the IFRS 9 by EU institutions, particularly focusing on HDPs. The report acknowledges the significant progress made by institutions in implementing ECL impairment models, which facilitate timelier recognition of loss provisions. However, it also underscores persistent concerns and some divergence from EBA’s expectations regarding the implementation of IFRS 9. One key area of concern ...

The EBA publishes final templates to collect climate-related data from EU banks

ID 25855
Following a public consultation (eventid=22358), EBA has now published final templates for gathering climate-related data from 110 EU banks, marking a significant step in the one-off Fit-for-55 climate risk scenario analysis. This initiative, spanning 1 December 2023, to 12 March 2024, aims to comprehensively assess climate-related risks in the banking sector. The templates, complemented by guidance outlining definitions and rules, cover **credit risk, market ...

EBA consults on Guidelines on complaints handling by credit servicers

ID 25734
EBA initiated a public consultation on draft Guidelines for complaints handling by credit servicers under CSD. The proposed Guidelines align with existing Joint Committee Guidelines on complaints handling, covering aspects such as complaints management policy, function, registration, reporting, internal follow-up, provision of information, and procedures for responding to complaints. The consultation, aimed at ensuring consistent supervisory practices and high consumer protec ...
Asset Management

The EBA consults on draft technical standards on own funds requirements and stress ...

ID 25712
EBA has initiated two consultations on draft RTS related to own funds requirements and stress testing for issuers under MiCA. The consultations focus on adjustments to own funds requirements and stress testing for issuers of ARTs and EMTs, including the procedure and timeframe for adjusting own funds requirements for significant ARTs or EMTs. — The first set of **[draft RTS on specifying the adjustment ...
Asset Management

The EBA consults on the reporting of transactions with asset-referenced tokens and ...

ID 25708
EBA has launched consultations under MiCA on draft RTS and ITS covering the reporting of transactions involving ARTs and EMTs denominated in non-EU currencies. These consultations aim to provide support for issuers on reporting transactions associated with the use of these tokens „as a means of exchange.“ — The **[draft RTS on on the methodology to estimate the number and value of transactions associated ...
Asset Management

The EBA consults on draft technical standards on supervisory colleges under MiCAR

ID 25701
EBA has initiated a consultation on draft RTS on supervisory colleges (EBA/CP/2023/33) regarding the criteria for composing supervisory colleges under the MiCA. The draft RTS propose specific criteria for determining the composition of supervisory colleges for issuers of significant ARTs or significant EMTs. It addresses conditions for the entities most relevant to custody, trading platforms, payment service providers, and CASPs. The document outlines conditions ...
Asset Management

The EBA consults on draft regulatory technical standards on liquidity requirements ...

ID 25698
EBA launched four consultations on three draft RTS and one set of draft Guidelines as part of the prudential package for MiCA. The consultations cover liquidity requirements of the reserve of assets, highly liquid financial instruments, and the minimum content of liquidity management policy and procedures for relevant issuers of tokens. Additionally, EBA is seeking input on stress test scenarios for liquidity stress testing. ...
Asset Management

The EBA consults on draft Guidelines on recovery plans for issuers of ...

ID 25697
EBA initiated a consultation on draft Guidelines regarding recovery plans for issuers of ARTs and EMTs (EBA/CP/2023/30). The purpose of these draft guidelines is to establish requirements for the format and content of recovery plans that issuers of ARTs and EMTs should prepare. The recovery plans aim to help these issuers anticipate and address adverse scenarios that could hinder their compliance with regulatory requirements ...

EBA releases the technical package for phase 3 of its 3.3 reporting framework

ID 25569
EBA released the technical package for phase 3 of version 3.3 of its reporting framework. This package includes standard specifications such as validation rules, DPM and XBRL taxonomies to support new reporting on IRRBB. The technical package will first be utilized in the ad-hoc data collection for banks under the QIS with a reference date of 31 December 2023. It aligns with the **[EBA ...

3 new Q&As regarding issues relating to the CRR and the CRD

ID 25528
EBA has published 3 new Q&As regarding issues relating to the CRR and the CRD: — 2023_6885 – Own funds – Share buyback program: amount of upfront deduction QUESTION: Does the upfront deduction under Article 28(2) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 241/2014 as specified by Q&A 3277 include in addition to CET1 instruments and related share premium accounts also the other CET1 items ...
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