The Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) has presented its 2023 Activity Plan, which outlines 48 initiatives and activities to be carried out over the year. The plan focuses on five strategic lines that extend those followed in the 2021-2022 biennium, including
1. rigorous supervision of securities markets,
2. strengthening the protection framework for retail investors,
3. revitalizing capital markets,
4. monitoring the effects of financial and technological innovation, and
5. creating a more accessible and connected supervisor.
Specific objectives include supervising the design of investment products and services, revitalizing capital markets to support growth and improving the operation of the CNMV with a digital transformation of the CNMV and speeding up its procedures.
The plan seeks to reinforce supervision, defines the identification of greenwashing as a priority and promotes investor protection while revitalizing the primary securities market.
New thematic reviews will be published and online advertising of investment products and services will be monitored via mystery shopping.
Access to CNMV information will be facilitated and a new social media communication strategy will be introduced.