Events listed in Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II)

BVI-Stellungnahme zum Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission für eine Richtlinie zu ...

ID 21974
Der BVI veröffentlicht eine Stellungnahme zum Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission für eine Richtlinie zu Mehrstimmrechtsstrukturen bei Gesellschaften, die eine Zulassung zum Handel ihrer Aktien an einem KMU-Wachstumsmarkt anstreben. In seiner Stellungnahme lehnt der BVI die Einführung von Mehrstimmrechtsstrukturen in Deutschland ab. Selbst wenn diese auf Start-ups und Wachstumsunternehmen beschränkt werden sollten, widerspricht dies dem bewährten „one share, one vote& ...

EFAMA statement on European exchanges’ bid to run a consolidated equities tape

ID 21965
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) applauds European exchanges‘ recent proposal to create a consolidated tape. This confirms the buy-side’s long standing belief that a European consolidated tape is critical to completing the Capital Markets Union’s objectives and ensuring that European capital markets remain globally competitive. (eventid=18463), (eventid=16352) EFAMA has identified key use-cases for both institutional and retail investors, ...

ESMA sees high risks amid fragile markets

ID 21789
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), has published its first 2023 Report on Trends, Risks and Vulnerabilities (TRV). In its report, ESMA highlights the continuous high level of risk, and investors should be ready for additional market corrections. ESMA defines the drivers of risk in EU financial markets: The geopolitical environment, the slowdown in economic activity, high inflation, global financial tightening, and the ...

ESMA issues Opinion on the trading venue perimeter

ID 21700
The European Securities and Markets Authority, ESMA, has published the Final Report on the Opinion on the trading venue perimeter, providing guidance on when certain systems and facilities qualify as multilateral and therefore should seek authorisation as a trading venue. Following a consultation (eventid=14271), the opinion elaborates on the MiFID II definition of multilateral systems and provides guidance on how to understand its constituent ...

FMA nimmt an der ESMA Common Supervisory Action 2023 zum Thema MiFID II ...

ID 21592
Die FMA weist darauf hin, dass sie an der ESMA Common Supervisory Action (CSA) 2023 zum Thema MiFID II Marketingmitteilungen und Werbung teilnimmt (siehe dazu eventid=19264). Bei dieser EU-weit koordinierten Prüfmaßnahme von nationalen Aufsichtsbehörden werden die gesetzlichen Vorgaben der MiFID II in Bezug auf Marketingmitteilungen und Werbung gemäß § 49 WAG 2018 iVm Art. 44 DelVO (EU) 2017/565 überprüft. Neben EU-weiter Konvergenz und Anlegerschutz ...

MiFIDII/ MiFIR review – EFAMA-BVI-EFSA-NSA priorities

ID 21477
In the context of the ongoing MiFIR negotiations in the EU Parliament (EP), NSA, EFAMA, BVI, EFSA, and other European trade groups that represent EU capital markets have been lobbying for their positions on the Commission proposal to strengthen market transparency in MiFID/MiFIR. This is because the EP wants to reach an agreement on MEPs‘ amendments to rapporteur Danuta Hübner’s proposals on the Commission ...

ESMA and NCAs to look at marketing of financial products

ID 21469
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) will launch „a common supervisory action (CSA) with national competent authorities (NCAs) on the application of MiFID II disclosure rules with regard to marketing communications across the European Union (EU) over the course of 2023“. ESMA has started this review to assess how investment firms and credit institutions have implemented MiFID II’s marketing communication requirements, which play ...

Der „Europäische Pass“ für Wertpapierinstitute

ID 21401
Die BaFin aktualisiert ihren Artikel „Der „Europäische Pass“ für Wertpapierinstitute“ zum Thema „Passporting-Wertpapierinstitute“. Bitte die vorherige Version des Artikels vom 28.07.2022 (eventid=16889) beachten. Die Liste der Länder in den Abschnitten „Notifikationsverfahren – Änderungen“ und „Wichtige Hinweise“ wurde durch die Löschung von “Belgien“ wie folgt geändert: Notifikationsverfahren … Änderungen Sämt ...
Asset Management

New consolidated versions: Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/1018 of 29 ...

ID 21365
New consolidated versions of „Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/1018“ as regards the notification requirements of investment firms, market operators, and credit institutions that are passporting into other EU jurisdictions for the provision of investment services or ancillary services were published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the EU. The consolidated versions include the modifications made by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2402 which correc ...

[ESMA35-43-3327] Compliance table on Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II ...

ID 21359
On 3 January 2023, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published a revised version of the compliance table for its Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II appropriateness and execution-only requirements (ESMA35-43-3006). Comparing the current compliance table (ESMA35-43-3327) with the previous one reveals that Malta now complies with the ESMA guidelines. CURRENT VERSION PREVIOUS VERSION: The *Malta Financial Services ...
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