Events listed in [AFM] Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets

AFM welcomes targeted consultation by European Commission on implementation of the ...

ID 26251
The AFM supports the targeted consultation initiated by the European Commission to enhance the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and published its corresponding response. The consultation proposes the introduction of sustainability product classifications, aiming to replace current SFDR articles. The AFM advocates for consumer-friendly sustainability product classifications, aligning with the Commission’s focus on transparency, investor usefulness, and ad ...

DORA update: emphasis on managing ICT risk for third-party providers

ID 26029
The AFM has released a second publication on the Digital Operations Resilience Act (DORA), focusing on managing ICT risk for third-party providers. DORA, a European regulation in effect since January 2023, aims to enhance control over ICT risks for financial firms and make them more resilient to cyber threats. The update emphasizes the importance of addressing **risks associated with third-party providers in Chapters V ...

Hier moeten beursgenoteerde ondernemingen op letten bij hun verslaggeving over 2023

ID 25752
AFM published information for 2023 reporting of listed companies. They are urged by AFM and ESMA to pay attention to key areas: – Transparent Net-Zero Commitments: Companies are encouraged to be clear about their plans to achieve net-zero goals, provide concrete disclosures up to 2030, define reported scopes, and transparently disclose the use of carbon credits or offsets. – CSRD and Double Materiality: The ...

AFM: Digitalisation is changing the financial sector; the housing market is not ...

ID 25689
AFM published its Trend monitor for 2024 addressing various topics, from which we summarise due to relevance the follwing key trends and associated risks in the financial sector across four supervisory areas. The report covers general economic developments, sustainability challenges, digitalization impacts, internationalization, and risks related to financial services, capital markets, asset management, and financial reporting and audit firms. 1. General Developments: The eco ...

AFM publishes position paper on improving the SFDR

ID 25638
The AFM has published a position paper aimed at improving the SFDR as part of the ongoing consultation by the European Commission for a legislative revision. AFM critizes that the definition of sustainable investments under 2(17) SFDR leaves room for a wide interpretation that is not always in line with investor expectations. Transparency is crucial for redirecting capital flows towards investments necessary for transitioning ...

AFM publishes Guidelines on Sustainability Claims

ID 25207
The AFM has released Guidelines on Sustainability Claims for financial institutions and pension providers (Leidraad duurzaamheidsclaims). These guidelines aim to help market participants make accurate and clear sustainability claims, given the financial sector’s pivotal role in promoting sustainability. Sustainability claims encompass any statements or expressions related to sustainability made by market participants, whether in non-mandatory information like marketing ...

Updated ESMA Guidelines on product governance requirements taking effect

ID 25108
The AFM is alerting investment firms to ESMA’s updated product governance guidelines, which provide clarity on handling new developments and product requirements. Emphasizing the importance of good product governance, it ensures products serve clients‘ best interests by defining suitable product ranges and distributions. Investment firms must now consider sustainability objectives when determining the target market for financial instruments. This change recognizes ...

Blijf alert op voldoende LMT’s en correcte AIFMD-rapportage

ID 25021
The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) are urging Dutch fund managers to ensure they have sufficient liquidity management tools (LMTs) in place, regardless of investor type, and to report their use correctly. This call comes after an investigation in 2022 revealed that **some funds lack adequate LMTs, which can lead to asset fire sales during market ...

Nadere werkafspraken AFM en DNB door de IFR/IFD

ID 24901
The introduction of the Investment Firm Directive (IFD) and Investment Firm Regulation (IFR) has led to additional agreements between the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) regarding supervision. These additional agreements pertain to sharing information and jointly supervising investment firms and managers of investment institutions and UCITS providing MiFID services. The AFM and DNB are responsible for ...

AFM reageert op consultatie wetsvoorstel ter implementatie ...

ID 24876
The Dutch Financial Markets Authority (AFM) has provided feedback on the proposed law for implementing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), emphasizing the need for administrative law powers and clear regulations for sustainability reporting and assurance. The CSRD will impact various aspects of the reporting chain, and the AFM advocates for several adjustments and additions to the proposed law to address these issues. Starting ...
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