In a press release by the CNMV it was announced that five additional firms have joined the ...
In a press release by the CNMV it was announced that five additional firms have joined the Code of good practice for institutional investors, asset managers, and proxy advisors (eventid=19876). The total number of adhering firms now stands at six, with Corporance being the first to join as a Spanish proxy advisor. The new firms are **Caser Pensiones, Gestión de Previsión y Pensiones, Fonditel ...
The CNMV has informed EBA of its intention to adopt the “Guidelines on common proced ...
The CNMV has informed EBA of its intention to adopt the “Guidelines on common procedures and methodologies for the SREP under IFD“ These guidelines serve as a framework for the CNMV to assess and evaluate specific criteria related to IFs and ensure compliance by relevant entities under its supervisory powers. The main objectives of these guidelines are to provide **detailed information on the common ...
The CNMV informs about the entry into force of Article 63 of the “Law 6/2023 of 17 M ...
The CNMV informs about the entry into force of Article 63 of the “Law 6/2023 of 17 March on Securities Markets and Investment Services“ on 18 September, that aims to enhance the competitiveness and appeal of Spanish securities markets. This article brings about significant changes in the supervision of admission requirements for non-equity securities. Under the new regulations, the **CNMV’s powers to oversee compliance ...
The CNMV informed ESMA that it complies with the Guidelines on certain aspects of suitabil ...
The CNMV informed ESMA that it complies with the Guidelines on certain aspects of suitability requirements under MiFID II. The CNMV had already communicated this compliance in July 2022. The CNMV will consider these Guidelines in its supervisory responsibilities, particularly in the review of compliance with sustainability preference regulations outlined in the 2023 activity plan (eventid=19916). The purpose of these Guidelines is to **ensure ...
The CNMV informed ESMA that it adheres to the Guidelines on certain aspects of the remuner ...
The CNMV informed ESMA that it adheres to the Guidelines on certain aspects of the remuneration requirements of MiFID II and considers them in its supervisory actions. These guidelines aim to align employee incentives with client interests, manage conflicts of interest, and reduce excessive risk-taking. The updated guidelines emphasize the design of remuneration policies and practices. They suggest that **qualitative criteria should not be ...
The CNMV has released two working papers that analyze the impact of climate change on inve ...
The CNMV has released two working papers that analyze the impact of climate change on investment funds and issuers of securities. The first report, authored by Ricardo Crisóstomo Ayala, develops a methodology to quantify how the ecological transition affects the value of investment funds. According to this method, the loss experienced by each asset is obtained from the carbon intensity and economic sector of ...
The CNMV has published a report on the results of the review of the first phase of the imp ...
The CNMV has published a report on the results of the review of the first phase of the implementation of sustainability regulations for CIS. The report covers the first phase of the implementation of regulations on sustainability and the publication of information on sustainable investments by investment funds, which took effect in March 2021. The report provides an overview of the information published by ...
The CNMV has approved a Technical Guide to reinforce the transparency of certain fixed-inc ...
The CNMV has approved a Technical Guide to reinforce the transparency of certain fixed-income investment funds, with a specific objective of profitability and buy-and-hold strategies. This initiative is included in the Commission’s 2023 activities plan (eventid=19916), with the aim of improving investor protection and informed consent. The Technical Guide updates the criteria included in the Technical Guide 1/2017 on the reinforcement of transparency of ...
The CNMV has published an updated version of its Q&As on the implementation of the Mi ...
The CNMV has published an updated version of its Q&As on the implementation of the MiFID II Directive. The Q&As are intended to transmit to the sector and, in particular, the entities providing investment services, interpretation criteria for the proper implementation of the requirements that according to Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II) should be applied from 3 January 2018. The answer to questions 5.3 has ...
The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) has expressed concern over the provision ...
The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) has expressed concern over the provision of services by banks and investment firms through tied agents. The CNMV believes that such operations pose a source of risk for these entities when they do not have adequate control procedures. Therefore, the CNMV has conducted supervisory actions on entities to review their control procedures on agents‘ activities, training, and remuneration, ...