Events listed in [FSB] Financial Stability Board

Asset Management
report / study

Revised Policy Recommendations to Address Structural Vulnerabilities from Liquidity ...

ID 26439
The present document represents the Revised FSB Recommendations as a response to the potential liquidity mismatch in OEFs. These recommendations supersede Section 2 of the initial 2017 FSB Recommendations and are part of the FSB’s NBFI work program, to be considered alongside the IOSCO Guidance on Anti-Dilution LMTs. As a reminder, the **2017 FSB Recommendations aimed to enhance regulatory reporting, promote liquidity management, expand ...
Asset Management
report / study

FSB publishes toolkit for enhancing third-party risk management and oversight

ID 26053
Financial institutions have historically engaged in outsourcing and third-party service relationships, which have evolved and expanded in recent years, presenting both benefits and new risks. The FSB recognizes the potential risks associated with these relationships and has responded by developing the present toolkit aimed at enhancing third-party risk management and oversight for financial institutions and financial authorities. The **toolkit addresses concerns related to ou ...
Asset Management
report / study

FSB publishes 2023 Progress Report on Climate-related Disclosures & 2023 TCFD ...

ID 25315
The FSB has published its 2023 Progress Report on Climate-Related Disclosures. The report welcomes the publication of the ISSB Standards, which will serve as a global framework for sustainability disclosures. The FSB will work with the ISSB, IOSCO, and other relevant bodies to promote the timely and wide use of the standards. The report also outlines progress made by jurisdictions in promoting climate-related disclosures, ...

FSB identifies frictions from data frameworks that pose challenges to enhancing ...

ID 25053
The FSB has released a stocktake report assessing international data standards relevant to cross-border payments. This initiative aligns with the G20 Cross-border Payments Roadmap’s goal of improving the interaction between data frameworks and cross-border payments. The report underscores the importance of data transfer across borders for the functioning of cross-border payment systems and highlights various data frameworks, encompassing legal, regulatory, and technical ...

FSB proposes a toolbox of financial resources and tools for the resolution of ...

ID 24981
The FSB has released a consultation report addressing the financial resources and tools necessary for the resolution of CCPs. Ensuring the effective resolution of systemically important CCPs is vital for financial stability and maintaining confidence in the financial system, especially in the context of G20 regulatory reforms following the 2008-09 financial crisis, which elevated the systemic importance of CCPs. **The FSB’s journey began in ...

FSB and IMF outline comprehensive approach to identify and respond to macroeconomic ...

ID 24858
The IMF-FSB Synthesis Paper on Policies for Crypto-Assets outlines a comprehensive approach to identifying and responding to macroeconomic and financial stability risks associated with crypto-assets. The FSB, mandated by the G20, is responsible for coordinating the development of regulatory and supervisory policies to ensure robust oversight of crypto-asset activities while supporting responsible innovation. **The IMF and the FSB have put forth policy and regulatory ...

The Financial Stability Implications of Leverage in Non-Bank Financial ...

ID 24846
The present report titled „The Financial Stability Implications of Leverage in Non-Bank Financial Intermediation“ delves into the critical issues surrounding leverage within the NBFI sector and its potential implications for financial stability. Leverage, which is employed to increase exposure or returns, can pose systemic risks if not properly managed. It can propagate strains through the financial system, leading to disruptions and stress amplification. This ...

Enhancing the Resilience of Non-Bank Financial Intermediation: Progress report

ID 24843
The present „Enhancing the Resilience of Non-Bank Financial Intermediation (2023 Progress Report)“ outlines the efforts made by the FSB and other international organizations to improve the resilience of NBFI. NBFI has become increasingly vital, representing nearly half of global financial assets, necessitating a focus on its stability to support the real economy. **The FSB initiated a comprehensive NBFI work program following the lessons learned ...

FSB invites feedback on the effects of G20 financial regulatory reforms on ...

ID 24766
The FSB has called for feedback on the impact of G20 financial regulatory reforms on the securitisation market. These reforms were initiated in response to the 2008 global financial crisis and aimed to address issues related to information asymmetries and incentives in securitisation markets. The reforms encompassed several key aspects, including increased capital requirements for banks in relation to their securitisation-related exposures, **improvements in ...
Asset Management

Thematic Peer Review on Money Market Fund Reforms: Summary Terms of Reference and ...

ID 24642
The FSB is currently engaged in a thematic peer review focused on reforms related to MMFs. This review aims to assess the progress made by FSB member jurisdictions in addressing vulnerabilities within their domestic MMF markets. The initiative is a response to the 2021 FSB policy proposals and involves a comprehensive examination of the evidence-based explanations provided by member jurisdictions regarding MMF vulnerabilities and ...
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