Events listed in circular

Fachliche Eignung und Zuverlässigkeit: BaFin veröffentlicht drei Rundschreiben

ID 26061
Die BaFin veröffentlicht drei Rundschreiben, die sich auf die fachliche Eignung und die Zuverlässigkeit der Führungskräfte in von ihr nach dem VAG überwachten Versicherungsunternehmen konzentrieren: – Rundschreiben 9/2023 (VA) – Fachliche Eignung und Zuverlässigkeit von Mitgliedern der Geschäftsleitung gemäß VAG; – Rundschreiben 10/2023 (VA) – Fachliche Eignung und Zuverlässigkeit von Mitgliedern von Verwaltungs- oder Aufsichtsorganen gemäß VAG; – ...

Circular in relation to the clearing and record keeping rules for the OTC ...

ID 26038
The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) has issued a circular entitled Circular in relation to the clearing and record keeping rules for the OTC derivatives regime – changes to the list of persons designated as financial services providers to inform of the updated list of firms designated as financial service providers [FSPs] in Hong Kong. This list includes the name of ...

Sale and Distribution of Green and Sustainable Investment Products (PDF File, 335.1 ...

ID 26034
In view of the growing interest in ESG-related products and services, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has recently reviewed the practices of registered institutions (RIs), including retail banks, corporate banks, and private banks, as regards the sale of ESG products (investment funds, green bonds, and certain structured products). The aim was to ensure sufficient safeguards and measures by institutions to monitor the fulfillment ...

Circulaire CSSF 23/846

ID 26033
This circular serves to notify financial and non-financial counterparties to derivatives falling under Articles 2(8) and 2(9) of EMIR, where the CSSF acts as the competent authority as per Article 1(2) of the EMIR Law, that the CSSF applies the ESMA Guidelines on reporting under EMIR (ESMA74-362-2281), published on 23 October 2023. The CSSF, in its capacity as the competent authority, therefore **officially adopts ...

Circular to Licensed Corporations, SFC-licensed Virtual Asset Service Providers and ...

ID 26021
The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, SFC, has published a circular to inform financial market participants about the availability of material relating to the webinar on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Financing of Terrorism (CFT) that took place on November 15 and November 16, 2023. The webinar addressed / included the following main topics: (1) recent major AML/CFT regulatory developments (2) supervisory observations relating ...

Circulaire CSSF-CODERES 23/18

ID 26019
Circular CSSF-CODERES 23/18 informs about the application of three guidelines of the EBA, notably the Resolvability Guidelines (EBA/GL/2022/01), Transferability Guidelines (EBA/GL/2022/11), and Resolvability Testing Guidelines (EBA/GL/2023/05). The circular outlines the purpose of integrating these guidelines into the CSSF’s administrative practice and regulatory approach to promote convergence in the field of resolution at the European level. It emphasizes the importan ...

Kryptowertpapierregisterführung: BaFin veröffentlicht Merkblatt

ID 25914
Die BaFin veröffentlichte ein Merkblatt zur Kryptowertpapierregisterführung, eine Finanzdienstleistung gemäß § 1 Abs. 1a Satz 2 Nr. 8 KWG, eingeführt durch das eWpG. Dieses Merkblatt dient als Leitfaden für Unternehmen, die eine Erlaubnis für die Kryptowertpapierregisterführung beantragen möchten. Es erläutert die Definition von Kryptowertpapieren, die Anforderungen an das Führen eines Kryptowertpapierregisters sowie die Abgrenzung zu anderen regulierten Tätigkeiten. Besonder ...

Circular to Licensed Corporations, SFC-licensed Virtual Asset Service Providers and ...

ID 25804
The Securities and Futures Commission, SFC, has issued a circular providing guidance to licensed corporations, associated entities, and virtual asset service providers on complying with key anti-money laundering (AML) and countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) requirements. Specifically, the circular refers to and includes an updated AML/CFT Self-Assessment Checklist which has incorporated revisions to reflect the latest *Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Fi ...
Asset Management

Circular 3/2023, de 31 de octubre, del Banco de España, por la que se modifican la ...

ID 25795
Circular 3/2023, issued by the Bank of Spain from 31 October 2023 introduces modifications to Circular 2/2016 for credit entities and Circular 1/2022 for financial credit establishments. The changes align with the legal framework adjustments to CRD and CRR and address the prohibition for non-EU entities to attract deposits or other refundable funds from the public without a branch in Spain. The update includes ...

Circulaire CSSF 23/845

ID 25790
Circular CSSF 23/845 provides amendments to Circular CSSF 22/821, focusing on the LFR, and Circular CSSF 22/826, addressing practical rules for the statutory audit mandate of approved statutory auditors. The primary objective is to enhance clarity based on industry feedback and align the SAQ content with supervisory priorities. The revised SAQ now encompasses five thematic sections. First, credit and counterparty risk are expanded, responding ...
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