Events listed in Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II)

[ESMA70-155-13071 ] Opinion on position limits on CORN contract

ID 23084
ESMA has assessed the position limits proposed by the AMF (eventid=20981) based on their compatibility with the objectives and methodology of MiFID II. ESMA concluded that the proposed limits comply with the methodology established in RTS 21a and are consistent with the objectives of Article 57 of MiFID II. The AMF has set two position limits for the spot month, and other months. The ...

„La mappatura dei prodotti finanziari nella prospettiva della tutela del ...

ID 23025
The legal Consob journal Quaderno giuridico n. 28 discusses the mapping of financial products within the MiFID adequacy rule for the protection of investors. While the EU legislature and literature have mainly focused on customer profiling, product mapping has been left to the diligence of service providers. The MIFID II directive on investment services has strengthened safeguards for investors who invest in financial instruments ...

Questions and answers on the implementation of the MiFID II

ID 22854
The CNMV has published an updated version of its Q&As on the implementation of the MiFID II Directive. The Q&As are intended to transmit to the sector and, in particular, the entities providing investment services, interpretation criteria for the proper implementation of the requirements that according to Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II) should be applied from 3 January 2018. The answer to questions 5.3 has ...

Information to the industry on firms providing investment services through tied ...

ID 22838
The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) has expressed concern over the provision of services by banks and investment firms through tied agents. The CNMV believes that such operations pose a source of risk for these entities when they do not have adequate control procedures. Therefore, the CNMV has conducted supervisory actions on entities to review their control procedures on agents‘ activities, training, and remuneration, ...

The assessment of knowledge and competence as regards investment services

ID 22794
The FSMA published its Assessment of knowledge and competence as regards investment services (FSMA_2023_08), which discusses the ESMA Guidelines for the assessment of knowledge and competence (ESMA/2015/1886) of individuals providing investment advice for regulated firms, as well as their implementation by the FSMA. The aforementioned ESMA guidelines cover the evaluation of knowledge and competencies of individuals who provide investment advice or information on financial ...

Berichtspflicht für Zweigstellen von Drittlandfirmen gemäß Art. 1 der ...

ID 22768
Die BaFin informiert über die neuen Berichtspflicht für Zweigstellen von Drittlandfirmen gemäß Art. 1 der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2022/1220 vom 14. Juli 2022. Die Berichtspflicht ist erstmals zum 30. April 2023 für das vergangene Kalenderjahr zu erfüllen und gilt für jeden weiteren Berichtsstichtag zum 30. April eines Jahres. Die Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2022/1220 legt für Zweigstellen von Drittlandfirmen unterschiedliche Berichtsformate fest, abhängig von der Existe ...

BVI Position on the upcoming MiFID II/MiFIR trilogues

ID 22757
Der BVI bezieht Stellung zu den bevorstehenden Trilogverhandlungen über die Ãœberarbeitung von MiFID II/MiFIR. Der BVI begrüßt die Ãœberarbeitung von MiFID II/MiFIR, die im November 2021 von der Europäischen Kommission vorgestellt wurde, und hebt die Prioritäten der deutschen Fondsbranche hervor, um eine international wettbewerbsfähige und effiziente Kapitalmarktunion zu entwickeln. Die Kernforderungen des BVI sind: – Keine Ausweitung der Transaktionsberichterstattung gem ...

FinDatEx publishes EMT V4.1

ID 22724
Following a public consultation on changes to the European MiFID Template (please see EventID20166), the Financial Data Exchange (FinDatEx) platform has made available the final update to the European MiFID Template (EMT V4.1). The new EMT Version V4.1 includes necessary changes in light of the **upcoming entry into force of the „UK consumer duty regime“, that starts to apply from 31 July 2023 for ...

[ESMA35-43-3565 ] Guidelines on certain aspects of the MIFID II remuneration ...

ID 22664
Following the publication of the Final Report on Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II remuneration requirements (please see EventID=15060), the ESMA has published its final updated guidelines that set out expectations regarding the governance and design of remuneration policies and procedures and address risks that can be inherent in such policies and ways to mitigate these. To recall, in its consultation (please ...

Classification of fractional investments as investment instruments

ID 22587
FSMA issued a communication on the classification of fractional investments as investment instruments. The communication discusses the rise of online investment firms known as „neo-brokers“ that operate exclusively through websites and apps, often offering fractional investing in multiple EU countries under the MiFID Directive. **Fractional investing allows investors to determine the amount they wish to invest in a share, making expensive shares more accessible .. ...
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