Events listed in Regulation on a framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties (CCPRRR)

Asset Management
delegated regulation

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1615 of 3 May 2023 supplementing ...

ID 24609
New Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1615 specifying the conditions under which a client of a clearing member may be reimbursed for any losses that were passed on to it in accordance with contractual arrangements with the clearing member and the conditions under which such disbursement to customers is deemed to be proportionate was published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the EU. #### Background ...
Asset Management
delegated regulation

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1616 of 3 May 2023 supplementing ...

ID 24606
New Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1616 in relation to the valuation assets and liabilities of central counterparties (CCPs) was published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the EU. **The Delegated Regulation specifically sets out regulatory technical standards (RTS) on the criteria for a „valuer“ of such assets and liabilities to be truly independent from both the central counterparty as well as the resolution authority ...

Ausfall von zentralen Gegenparteien: BaFin wendet neue ESMA-Leitlinien an

ID 24498
Die BaFin hat angekündigt, die im Juni 2023 von der ESMA veröffentlichten Leitlinien zu Abwicklungsmaßnahmen in ihre Aufsichtspraxis zu übernehmen. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Leitlinien liegt auf den Bedingungen, die bestimmen, wann eine zentrale Gegenpartei (CCP) als ausfallend oder potenziell ausfallend betrachtet wird. Die Einführung der ESMA-Leitlinien zielt darauf ab, Aufsichts- und Abwicklungsverfahren innerhalb der EU zu standardisieren. Insbesondere klären sie den Status ...

Zentrale Gegenparteien: BaFin wendet neue ESMA-Leitlinien zur Bewertung von ...

ID 24478
Die BaFin hat angekündigt, die im Juni 2023 von der ESMA veröffentlichten Leitlinien zur Bewertung von Kontrakten bei Abwicklungen in ihre Aufsichtspraxis zu übernehmen. Die Leitlinien richten sich speziell an die Abwicklungsverfahren bei zentralen Gegenparteien (CCP) und betreffen insbesondere die Methode, die die Abwicklungsbehörden bei der Bewertung von Kontrakten vor deren Beendigung anwenden sollen. Das Hauptziel der ESMA durch diese Veröffentlichung ist es, eine ...

Zentrale Gegenparteien: BaFin wendet neue ESMA-Leitlinien zu ...

ID 24451
Die BaFin hat angekündigt, die im Juni 2023 von der ESMA veröffentlichten Leitlinien zu Frühinterventionsmaßnahmen in ihre Aufsichtspraxis zu übernehmen. Die Leitlinien richten sich speziell an zentrale Gegenparteien (CCP) und sollen den zuständigen Behörden eine klare Orientierung darüber bieten, unter welchen Umständen sie solche Frühinterventionsmaßnahmen in Erwägung ziehen sollten. Ein Kernaspekt der Leitlinien sind die definierten Indikatoren, sowohl qualitativer als auc ...

The CNMV implements six ESMA guidelines that develop the Regulation on the recovery ...

ID 24111
The CNMV notified ESMA of its compliance with six Guidelines related to the recovery and resolution of CCPs under Regulation (EU) 2021/23. These guidelines are part of the framework for the recovery and resolution of CCPs. The guidelines are divided into two categories: recovery and resolution. Recovery Stage: – Guidelines on recovery plan scenarios for CCPs: These guidelines establish the number of scenarios to ...

ESMA publishes Guidelines on templates for summary resolution plans and for written ...

ID 23841
ESMA published two Final Reports containing guidelines on the CCPs Resolution Regime. These guidelines provide guidance on the templates for summary resolution plans and written arrangements for resolution colleges. The purpose of these guidelines is to assist NCAs in creating resolution colleges and establishing smooth processes for the resolution college agreement. – The guidelines on the template written arrangements for resolution colleges aim to ...
Asset Management
delegated regulation

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1193 of 14 March 2023 supplementing ...

ID 23798
New Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1193 providing regulatory technical standards for the content of resolution plans of central counterparties (CCPs) was published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the EU. Specifically, the delegated regulation defines those key elements that shall be part of CCP resolution plans, including the following: – a brief summary providing an overview of the content of the plan. – a ...
Asset Management
delegated regulation

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1192 of 14 March 2023 supplementing ...

ID 23796
New Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1192 setting out a basic framework for the functioning of resolution colleges including general issues around the organization of the colleges and around the decision making on resolution plans of central counterparties (CCPs) was published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the EU. Resolution colleges are primarily established to ensure the „homogeneous governance of the resolution of CCPs across ...

[ESMA91-372-206 ] Guidelines on the methodology to be used by the resolution ...

ID 23549
ESMA published the “Guidelines on the methodology to be used by the resolution authority for determining the valuation of contracts prior to their termination as referred to in Article 29(1) of CCPRRR“, specifying the process, scope, and various factors to consider when valuing contracts. The guidelines apply to resolution authorities and are based on Article 29(1) of CCPRRR, the objective is to promote **convergence ...
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